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I was wondering what are the best vitamins to take with the RA. I take the folic acid along with the Prednisone, MTX, & Synthroid. I never discussed this with my Dr. 

You all just amaze




You should take a multi vitamin like Centrum, an extra calcium supplement is always good, and some of the perscription folic acid tabs have B6 and B12 added so you could add those too.

calcium - vitamin d - for your bones.



i have to remember to take my folic acid..........geesh

http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pag es/Vitamins_and_Mineral_supplements?open

Vitamins make my tummy hurt. They seem to make me alittle sick. Same with all the calcium. I don't take any vitamins other than the folic and calcium with vitamin d . May sound silly but if you can't take a regular vitamin try a prenatal vitamin or a child's vitamin, they may work and keep you from getting an upset stomach.  vitamins are available in liquid form, also and can mixed in a drink or food.  memeMy doctor says 1500 mg. of calcium per day - no more than 500 mg. at a time (that's all the body can absorb at one time). I take folic acid for the MTX, vitamin D, calcium, and gluchosamine/condroitin because I have OA too.When it comes to vitamines, make sure you eat something about ten minutes before you take the vitamine. I used to take a multi one with my breakfast,but it would make me fell sick to my stomach. My doctor told me that the iron in it will cause you to feel that way on an empty stomach. Even if you eat your breakfast with it. You need to have food in your stomach for a few minutes, to get the digestive juices flowing in order to not get that feeling of being sick to your stomach.

My stomach must be made of cast iron. I take my daily meds with vitamins C and a B complex first thing in the morning, maybe with coffee or just water. No problems.

If you are having trouble, how about taking them right after lunch?


a multivitamin is great... but I get one that is iron free.  Depending on your body, this isnt for everyone, but iron can aggravate arthritis if you take too much.  Most people get enough from the average diet too so it may not be needed in supplement form. 

Dr. Oz and other docs say to take Vit E 400 mg daily no matter who you are.  I like a vit B complex sometimes when I am feeling bad.  Remember that some vitamins are fat soluble and some are water soluble... so the ones that are fat sol. can build up in your system and be bad for your health, while the water sol. ones just go out with the pee!  

Some vitamins and minerals can interfere with some meds like anti biotics and other odd ones... I cant remember them all now, but I need to learn more about that.   We take so many pills a day and I want to space my vitamins out the best way.  Its hard tho... to get them all in sometimes!  I agree too... they are better tolerated with food.  

Anyway... its always good to try to learn about them.  The Arthritis Foundation even has a booklet on them too.  Educate yourself! is what I always say!  Read all you can from reputable sites and keep it a habit forever, basically.  

I went to a nurtitionist who is also an MD. I head my blood analyzed to see what vitamins/minerals/enzymes my body is missing. She has me taking Carlson "Suoer 2 Daily". It has all the vitamins plus fish oils and a decent amount of folic acid...just in case I forget to take mine. I like taking less pills but still getting what I need.


Multi-vitamins tend to make my stomach upset too and Centrum has an adult chewable available. I take those with no problem.  I think A,D,E and K are the fat soluble ones right? Gosh, I had to dig deep for that one...it has been a long time. I could be wrong about that but I think that is right.

When I was first diag., i tried to avoid everything manufactured and did alot of research(online) about wholistic remedies, the only one i found that has helped alittle was Omega 3,6,9, you can find them all together in one supplement, or seperatly, i take 1000mg of Omega 3 everyday my RD said that it was fine and verified that  it does have anti-inflammitory properties, but even if it doesnt work on you RA it is very good for your heart and brain health! Dont forget! we have other systems in our bodies that need support also!!!


I have read that Omega 6 can increase inflammation.I took prenatals when I was pregnant not to bad on the stomach. I always eat before taking any pills. When I was younger napercin put a whole in my stomach.Watch the ones with extra iron (unless you really need it) it makes you constipated.I take calcium, a multi-vitamin, a B complex, and 2 vitamin Cs + the folic acid (which is also in the B complex).  You don't even want to know my list.  Magnesium, calcium, b complex, folic acid, C, E, msm, glucosamine, fish oil, flax oil, garlic, energize and a multi, in case I did not get enough.  Then I am on a strict diet, avoid wheat, absolutely NO processed foods and tons of veggies.  I eat a large salad and fish every day.  I do feel better.  I also go to accupuncture once a week and then the western meds at the bottom.  I am back at yoga.  You see, I feel desperate - I WANT TO GET BETTER
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