Working with RA | Arthritis Information


Hello again,

Im still working a fulltime job in the insurance industry. I sit down most of the day as I am working. I really dont have a hard job at all. And I really love what I do. Lately I have found it harder and harder to concentrate and be able to stay on one job task at a time due to the pain that I have been experiencing. I dont feel that my meds are working very well. I have talked to my Dr. and she doesnt seem to want to put me on anything else. Has anyone tried anything that seem to work well for them? Im am on Enbrel, prednisone, Arava, Vicoden, and Orudis. I dont think the Enbrel is working as good as it did 1 year ago. I've been so sick lately that I've been thinking about filing for disability. Does anyone else have trouble working?



OMG  I have been thinking the last few days, I don't know how anyone with ra works.  At least from my perspective.  I was put on leave and I am fighting to go back to work but it amazes me, just the simple tasks to make a home and have somewhat of a life, zap all of my energy.  I am also very very forgetful (lost my meds and haven't found them yet), miss appts., forget what people tell me, etc.  When I was working all I did was come home from work and sleep until the next day when I had to go back to work.  Sorry to make this into my vent.

Anyway, I want to try to put in two more years but I think, unless things get better and I am not giving up hope - I may have to apply for disability also.  It is heart breaking and then to think you will have to fight for disability.  That is what I hear. 

I am going to be switching to Humira.  Never give up. 

I hope someone on disability chimes in.  I am interested also.  You are not alone mom.

I'm on a LOA from work right now, and I dont know how I'm going to go back.  I'm scared of going on disability, I dont know how much I'd get, and if I can live on a fixed income.  I dont know how much longer I can work, and I dont know what other job I can do without using my hands or legs.   Is there such a job?  I'm scared.  I have a family... and they like to eat.

How much do you get for disabilty??   Can you get disability and work part time?    How does that whole thing work?


this is a scarey subject for me. 

woobieHello everyone, I have been reading all your posts, and I feel so much for you all, I have Rheumatoid arthritis  now for 6 years  diagnosed,  and all your stories sound so familiar.   I just wanted to tell you don't be so sure about not getting disability, it really helps if you have a good DR, I have RA, Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, depression and now about to be confirmed Ankylosing spondylitis or stress fractures  of the spine due to prednisone use, and Glaucoma from Pred as well.  But when I applied for disability I only had RA, so there is hope, I got accepted the first application.  I think the general understanding of rheumatoid arthritis is becoming better in the community and also with professionals such as Centrelink.  I wish you all luck and don't feel bad if you have to give up work as I gave up 5 years ago and still fight everyday to not feel exhausted, to play with my kids, to try and help hubby, I am forever making appointments with  friends and cancelling them, thank God they are good  friends and they understand.  Try and  get some local support from your community health people with Occupational therapy and physio etc as all these  professionals help your case when you apply for disability and they are free public hospital services, you just need to be referred by your DR.  I also  reluctantly receive help from blue care with housework, (my pride gets in the way)  but I realised if they don't do it then my poor hubby has to  do that as well as everything else, so take any help you can as that is what they are there for.   If I have any good days then I aim to do some typing  for blue care  or try and help out on their respite days for all the lonely sick people who live alone and this is their  only way of getting some company.  Keep your chins up and remember one door closes and another opens.  Nice to chat to you all, I hope I can stay and put in my bit every now and again, yours in pain Jane.

Jane,  Your post was very encouraging and informative.  Welcome.  I am seeing a lawyer on Monday from my union to fight to keep my job.  I have not given up but I know I will not last like I would without ra.  My job as a ranger was always something I enjoyed and my spirit just can't let it go yet.  If it does, I am scared what else I would do.  I have a hard time sitting for long and I am really claustrophobic inside.  I have always worked outside.

My hubby and I have already discussed me applying for disability but I am the worrier and always "what if I don't get it".  I have never depended on anyone in my life and it would be hard, REALLY HARD, to just depend on my hubby's income.  We already know if I can't work I have to move out of my beautiful home and the town I love because of the cost of living. 

One day at a time but I am glad you have someone to help you around the house.  My housekeepers start on Monday.  I have never had a housekeeper or a gardener but I am 50 years old.  I have so many things I love to do and one of them is not cleaning house.  Right now, I figure I get about two good hours a day.  I want to spend them nurturing myself, trying to get better from my ra, being with my loved ones and enjoying nature.  With two good hours a day, I feel like RA has already taken 90% of my life.  I want the other 10.

This is a good thread.  I know there are many of us struggling with this issue.  It is what I think about almost every waking moment, I try not to but I know in a year from now, my life will be very different.  Either I will have gotten better or I have to change my lifestyle.


Wow, it's amazing how many of feel the same way. I was a surgical scheduling coordinator at a surgery center. I posted cases arranged the surgery rooms and schedules, equipment, staff and the hardest part  kept the Surgeons & Anestheologist day straight and them happy) Ha, Ha. I loved my job and the Dr.'s loved me too. In Feb 06 I left work on Std. I was having a really bad flare the worst ever, I'd been pushing myself with the fatigue since last summer. As you all know too well what that does to us. I'd gotten to the point where the only thing I had in my life was work, come home sleep so I could go back the next day. Weekends consisted of catching up on rest so I could start all over againt on Monday. Nothing left of me for my husband or kids. The weekend that put me over the edge was when I couldn't get up to go to my 1st granddaughters 1st birthday on a Sunday afternoon. I descided then life was too short to let it pass me by. I had no energy to spend any time or do anything with anybody. I also rationalized that since I couldn't take any of the new biologics I was probably doing more damage to my joints by pushing myself. Since I've been off, it's a whole new world. I do stuff for a couple hours, nap, go again a couple hours, nap. I'm able to be up in the evenings and talk or watch tv with hubby and my son, I visit with my 14 month old granddaughter and my new 1 month old granddaughter. I have to plan ahead and rest up when I know I'll be doing something that will wear me out. I just spent my days at a much slower pace and stop when I start hurting or when I get tired. I can't descide if my life is more like a 1year olds, or a 90 year olds.

You'll know when it's time to throw in the towel and start your life over in a new slowwer way. Hang in there all.

   Hi everybody,
   Have been reading all of the threads on this subject and it's nice to know that there's people out there who are worry about the same thing I'm worry about.
   On May 15th., I go back to the workman's comp doc for my final visit. I'm still having problems with my shoulder and I don't know how I'm going to work. Then if I do go back to work, I may be force to take a lower paying job, which isn't good. With the rent increase of 0 a month, high gas prices, to be follow by higher prices for food..... At times it is so over whelming. I don't have the energy I once had. If I over do, then my joints will complain. It's not fun having RA,OA and CPPD,(false gout).
   I've made up my mind to go with the flow and if I can't work, then look into early retirement or possible total disabilty.
   The social security disability goes by your wages and how many years you have worked, and the credits you have earned for the year. It works out to 4 credits per year on the base wages of ,680 per year, as of Oct.2005. All together you need 40 lifetime credits for retirement and less for disability,it's only for the states. Hope that this helps.

    MarisaSo does that mean you get 4 credits for ea 3680 you earned? Not sure how that works.Wow. I was reading the posts in this thread and I can see my situation in everyone's story! Lately, I go to work and then come home and am in bed by 6 pm. It is terrible. Never in my life had I ever gone to bed or slept while it wasn't night. Even when I was a young child, my parents could never make me take a nap. Just didn't seem right to sleep while the sun is out. ha ha! But the past three months have been so out of character for me. I can hardly get through a day at work. By 2 pm, I am ready to go to sleep. I get off at 3:30 pm, and then come home (most days I have to fight to stay awake at the wheel of my car), have supper, then get into my pj's. I am not depressed. Things in my life are going really well. I am scared to tell the doctor I am seeing this week (the 12th) about this because I am scared he will think it is depression. I am a happy but so worn out! My mother hurt my feelings the other day when she called me an old maid because all I do lately is come home and go to bed. I know she was joking around, but it hit me hard that is what I have become... I don't do anything anymore. Weekends are just lazy days where I try my best to get enough strength to get through the week ahead. dar773338843.5212615741Hi  again Roxy, just wanted to say, try and go with the flow, try not to worry too much although I know that is hard  at times, your body will respond with a flare, I had to relocate totally as I had to give up work, my hubby had to give up his career and move us all to Queensland from Sydney because house prices were cheaper!  I had already moved 18 years earlier from the UK and left all my family behind as I was in love, and after making new friends in Sydney felt pretty stuffed when I had to start all over again and on benefits!!!  But I must say we have settled nicely we moved to a small coastal town and the community spirit is great, lots of caring people and lots of help, so I know you must be truly concerned Roxy but try and remember sometimes things change for a reason, and they are not all bad reasons.  Best of luck and I hope to continue to be able to help you and be a friend.  Kind regards Janie.
All you have to do is call your local ss office they can tell you how many points you have and how much per month that would give you. Don't go there for the interview to many sick people. DO an interview over the phone. But there will be alot of paper work ahead.

I thank you all so very much! This thread has been very helpful to me as I have no one to talk to or understand here at home. Im always told to suck it up and at least I dont have cancer. I will come back again with more questions im sure. Until then, I will be trying to get myself better.



My mother said the same thing to me the day my family doctor told me I had RA. "It isn't that bad. At lest you don't have cancer." Which is so true. My friend at work, who is only 36, was just diagnosed with cancer in her liver, bones, and breast. She is a single mother with no living relatives and is scared of who will look after her 12 year old son after she is gone. It really puts things in perspective.

At the same time, it get me so mad when someone who hasn't gone through the pain I have gone through recently is saying stuff that brushes it off. The thought of having to go through another flare, or the possibility that another flare will happen, scares me so much. Every little muscle spasm I have, especially at night, makes me think 'Oh no, here we go again!'. Still, I thank God every day that so far, I am cancer free. There are so many people diagnosed with cancer, you just never know when it will be you. They say one out of three people will get it. I try not to think of it. One disease at a time, eh? Scary stuff.

I feel so guilty reading these posts and here I am doing so well.  I feel for all of you, I've been there I know how it feels.  Right now I am in a good place, I am able to work without much pain  anymore.  Granted I am off my drugs, arava and enbrel due to infection, but I doing real well.   Yes I still get tried at times and I still do hurt at times, but it is nothing like it was before.  I am in a kind of remission from my athritises, but my psoriasis is making up for it.  I know that I can have a flare up at anytime and be right back to square one, but I am thinking of right now not what if.  I just wanted to let you all know I think of you all every day and hope that things will get better for all of you.  You all deserve to be able to live your lives without pain and be able to enjoy the simple things again.  Please know that I am in your corner and will always be.  xoxoxoxo  meme
