Back from the dreaded DR appt.! | Arthritis Information


Okay, i got back from the new RD, and he did put me on 15mg MTX , 1mg folic acid and 5mg pred., I was actually okay about going on the two meds, until it came time to take the mTX this morning, but i got it down, and I dont feel like I have lava in my veins, i didnt puke up a lung, and all seems to be okay for now.

But heres a question, the longer Im on MTX, is that when the side effects show up?   Heres another question, (love asking questions) I was in martial arts before my RA got really bad, now when the MTX kicks in, will I be able to get physically active like i was before, Im not over weight, but my endurance is only about a half hour at high impact aerobics, and Ive lost ALL muscle in these last 6 months. has anyone done well on the meds and been able to get back to where they were?

Would love some input!!!      


I've been on mtx for about 14 years and for 13 of those years I had no problems.  The only thing that came with time being on it or maybe the amount, was a low white blood cell count.  For that I just had to go off the mtx for about a month.  Once the white blood cell count was up, I went back on the mtx.  That's happened twice now.


I was on Mtx. for about 5 years, I never had any problems at all. Then 1 month the liver panel results were 3 times higher than they were suppose to be. I v'e been off ever since and went on Arava then tried it with Humara & then Remicade. Couldn't do either so now I'm just on the Arava & Pred. Hopefully you'll not have any side effects from the mtx.I have been on the Mtx for almost 1 year now.  Humira for about 6 months.  I had reactions from the Mtx usually the day I took it.  I would feel kinda sick-ish, a bit tired but I felt so much better the other days.  Your engery does come back and you do feel better.  I know the first time I took the stuff, I just stared at the pills thinking i was just going to be awfully sick--but that never happened.  Be sure you are getting Folic Acid to counter the bad side effects.  Now the Mtx sometimes makes me a bit tired the day I take it but you know, usually my wrists and ankles are beginning to hurt so i know it will help me.  When I added the Humira my energy really kicked up a bit and usually life is pretty good.  I know you like high impact aerobics, but you may have to switch your exercise program around and go for less impact on your body.  You can still do exercises that will help tone your muscles without the high impact.  What about working on a pilates machine or taking up yoga, these are both  good forms of exercise and they help tone your body.  I was on mtx,but I was taken off as the doses got higher, it was causing problems wiht my skin.  The first time I took mtx I couldn't even got off the couch for 2 days, but as my body got use to it I was fine, just a little tiredness,  Allow your body time to adjust and try to look for an exercise program that is less stress on your body, but will still help your muscles etc.   meme


Hey DC...

I do yoga.  I do combination of yoga and pilates called "yogalities".  Alot of mild strecthing and some light (5 pounds) weights.  Good, deep breathing excersises and meditation.  Great to help relax and ease tension and stress.  About 30 to 40 minutes every other night about one hour before bed.

Take care,


In Arthritis Today mag. this month there is an article that says you should exercise even during a flare...just always low impact. I have been on the MTX for 3 months and I am not so sure it is working. I have not felt that great since getting off of the prednisone about 6 weeks ago. I wont go back on...but I am going to have to do something soon.