changing biologics | Arthritis Information


I would love feedback from those of you that have changed biologics.  I just gave myself my Enbrel injection and I know by tonight I will feel better.  The problem is it wears off in about three days.  It used to last longer but each time they took me off it due to infection, it was less effective when I started it again


are you on the Enbrel 3x a week?  I did that for a while.  I have been on all of the injectables and I understand the worry... but one cant let the RA get out of control in between meds (or it can stay out of control or get worse) so its better to be on something.  I wonder about all of these meds and the future effects... since we are basically the study for long term use. 

Reminds me... everyone needs to get the books, Overdo$ed America and You, The Smart Patient.

Good luck to ya.  Enbrel was a good one. I started Enbrel in Jan. and didn't have much of a response, I was also on 1000 Naproxin and 15 MTX plus Vicodin and Oxycodone. After 3 months my GP sent me to an internist who switched me to Remicade, 20 MTX, the Naproxin and the pain relievers. So how do I know what's working??, I don't think it's the biologics. I need to ask the Dr. to up the dose, After the first infusion I had 3 days where I really felt a difference, I was so relieved, thinking I had finally found something to stop the flare and the worst pain I have ever had, but now I'm not feeling anything. I have to keep up with the Naproxin and Vicodin, I know exactly when I've forgotten a dose, the pain is like clock work.
Deidre Hi Mike.  I think of you in this dillemna.  I know it took a while for you.  I think it is a lot of insurance scamming.  My doctor wants to exhaust all options at my body's expense so we can try the new ones.  I am not much good at the guinea pig bs.  Still thinking about it.  Thanks for the feedback guys.  I am so glad you are so much better Mike.  RoxDo you notice any relief when you take the MTX? Like the first few days after taking it? I cant tell any difference. I am not as bad as I was in Feb. when I first started on the MTX, but I dont feel any better now than I did by march...I have since added Plaquenil to the mix, but I have another 5 months before I will even know if that is going to work for me. 

Roxy:  Have upped my MTX to 18.5 mg. and still on Enbrel.  So far nothing.

That was the WORST month I have EVER had ........ I think it was working better than we thought.

But - instead of going back on Humira, he wanted me to try Enbrel... so I'm taking that now.  I'm on prednisone, so I'm not sure if the Enbrel is working or not.  I dont think I'll know until I"m off the prednisone.  I've only had 2 shots so far.

Personally, i would rather have stayed on the humira.  Humira uses human protien... enbrel uses mouse protien.   Something just "not right" about that to me......LOL

anyhow - i switched.........wish i wouldn't have - but i did.


I'll say this for you and Enbrel. I don't think you mix well. I think you've needed a change for a long time. You've been off your meds more than on sice you started Enbrel. I think a change would be a positive step in the right direction for you Sweetie.

Good Luck!!

I switched from Enbrel 25mg/2x wk to Humira, and the Humira did jack. I was in crappy shape. Went back to Enbrel, but this time the 50mg 1x wk, and now I'm gold again.

My doc says he dislikes Humira because alot of his patients end up like me. Off of it.

Thanks for all the input.  I changed my med line.  RD took me off mtx for good.  I got soooooooo sick on it, tried it four times.  I took myself off of pred.  I don't know if it did much good as I had to go in for a cortizone but emotionally it made me feel better.  Lovie, I have had trouble but I don't know if it is the biologics.  I think I want to try 2x a week with Enbrel and see what happens.

I really appreciate hearing your stories.  This is a tough decision for me then I got to get the rd to listen to me

Good Luck!!


Hey Woobie, have you found yourself to be craving more cheese lately???



No - not at all. 

You know what i'm craving?   Things like pot pies, tuna helper, chicken and dumplings.... pot roast..... veggie soup. 

I've been cooking like crazy.
Im not craving chocolate...... not for a couple of days....which is WIERD!!!!!!!!!!!!

