Do you have this? | Arthritis Information


Does anyone have little "sores" on the tips of their fingers?  They start out as a bump that itches and then becomes sore.  When they "dry up" they almost look like a scabby wart.  If I pick at them and remove the dry skin over the sore, it leaves a painful crater.  I know this sounds really gross, but it's concerning me.  I "googled" it and I saw the word scleroderma.  It scared the hell out of me.  Please reply.



Scleroderma is scarey as hell. What did you search under on google? Are you sure they just arent warts?I found some pictures of scleroderma on the hands by doing a google image search for scleroderma. There are other things that I found on Google that cause sores on the fingers. You should see your doctor soon anyways to get something to treat them with. At the very least you dont want to have open wounds, esp on your hands where you are at risk for getting an infection.

I have had those a few times, in fact I have one now on my thumb.   When I had one I showed it to my rheumy and she told me that mtx can cause those.  They're very itchy.  The other 2 I've had have been on the tip of my thumb, but the one I have now is on the side.

I searched under auto-immune skin disorders.  It looks like a "chilblain" to me.  Of course, I don't want to diagnose myself from a picture on google.  I'm seeing the hemotologist today (for low platlets).  I'll ask him. emmasa0138846.2153587963

Are you on mtx?  I have to mention, mine have never become scabby.


This ^^^^ is a good example of scleroderma on the tip of the finger.

There is a good picture of chilblain on the tip of the finger on this page: CLICK HERE

It is in the 3rd or 4th set of pictures with a green background.
Are you taking minocycline?  On the above page, it says it can be brought on my minocycline. You should read the stuff on the second link.  Definitely bring both these things up to your doctor.  Better to be safe than sorry.  Methotrexate is listed as a possible CURE for it, so I doubt it is being caused by the Methotrexate if it actually is chilblain.

butterfly38846.6443287037Unfortunately, the first picture looks very much like the sores on my fingers.  My sister has them too.  She does not have RA, but she does have Hasimoto's hypothyroiditis.  It is also an auto immune disease.  They do go away when the weather is warmer.  I notice they appear in cold weather which is what is said about chilblains.  The clilblains I saw on line did not look as severe as the pic Butterfly sent.  I know I've had these before.  I will not panic.