
I have a 35 yr old male friend with arthritis who asked if I'd find out what he can do about it. He's interested in what he can start doing now to keep from getting worse.

It sounds like the first thing he needs to do is find a specialist.

Because of all of your experience, do you have any advice or any questions he'll need to ask?

He's very active in his job.

Also, how much does stress affect you?  He also gets migraines.  Could this have anything to do with arthritis?

My sincerest thanks.


Best thing to do- get a good Rheumatologist.  Ask them all these questions.

Find a good rheumatologist, and start AGGRESSIVE therapy.  The more aggressive, the better.

Stress is a huge trigger for me.  the more stressed I am - the more pain i have.  things like relaxation, meditation are SUPPOSED to help you deal with stress so it's not so hard on your body, but I cannot seem to master these things...

i get migraines too - but they are separate entities.  dont get me started on those.

You're a good friend for trying to find info for him.


You should send him here. There are a lot of good posts and everyone is really nice. He might feel better knowing that there are so many others that are dealing with the same things he is.

Gather as much information as he can. Remember he will eventally know the most about his disease because it is so individualistic. I saw 2 rheumatologists at the onset. I also saw a digestive consultant because there is a lot of info on RA being "leaky gut syndrome". I also saw a integrative medicine MD who studied under Dr. Andrew Weil. I read every book and had treatment and consults with massage therapist,An accupuncturist/herbalist and an alternative practicioner.

I feel informed and I am on my own path and I am back to 98%.

It takes time and patience! Good Luck!




There are many types of arthritis. The first things to be determined is what type of arthritis he has. That will greatly determine the type of treatment he'll need.

Good Luck to your friend.
