Humira and Sinus Infections | Arthritis Information



Today I picked up my first Humira dose and tomorrow I go for "injection
I've been reading everyone's comments and it seems sinus infections are
common. Are they usually severe and do most Humira users get them?

I'd also appreciate any tips on traveling with Humira, i.e. keeping it cool,

FussieI have been taking Humira for about 7 months now and it has worked very well for me.  I had a chesty cough for about a month and didn't take one of my injections when it was due, but apart from that I have no other infections.  The last two shots have given me rather large bumps at the injection site, previously I had not had a problem.  Fortunately I have not had to travel with Humira.  When I go on holiday I take the shot before I go, even it if means taking it a day or two earlier than usual.  Wishing you well. JaneGave myself the first injection yesterday and had no problems. I was
anxious but got through it just fine. JavaScript:AddSmileyIcon('

I've been on Humira about a year and a half now. I take it weekly along with 25 mg of Humira. I've been very sick on two occations with sinus infections and the second time it turned into bronchitis and I was sick for more than a month. They thought I had phuenmonia; but x-rays confirmed it was just a bad bronchitis infection.

My GP & RD insist that I stop both my RA meds when I'm sick with these sorts of infections. It takes much longer than others to get over the infections; but I haven't really noticed that I get infections more often than others in my family and circle of friends. I have learned though that it doesn't pay to try to continue your meds despite being sick. Once I'm dx'ed with an infection I've learned to take all my antibiotic and make sure the infection is cleared up or I'll be twice as sick and be off my RA meds twice as long.

A couple weeks off your meds won't hurt you that much.....but for me a month off was pure hell!! It took me several months to get back up to speed after that. Lesson learned right? Sometimes it takes that.

Welcome to AI. Visit at the RA section. Many friends there rarely have time to check these sections.....but often check in under that section. Hope to see you there.
