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Well I went back to the RD today 'cause I felt like I was getting worse instead of better. We are ditching the Plaquenil and I am going to start Enbrel...provided my insurance co approves it.  I am keeping my fingers crossed...Keeping fingers crossed for the Enbrel approval, Crunchy! 

I see the Rhuemy for the first time tomorrow morning!  Kinda nervous! 
Crunchy-I hope this will be just the thing that works
for you   

How long were you on the plaquenil?Good crunchy. It's helped me and it has very few side effects. Hope you feel better soon.Good luck Crunchy.  I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that this is the one for you.  Hugs and good vibes.Yeah, it is going to be a long wait untill Monday when I find out what the outcome is going to be. I dont know what kind of co-pay I am going to be looking at even if I do get approved. But if it works as well as my RD thinks it will be worth it. I wasnt expecting to be put on it at this point. I really thought that he was going to try to give me pain pills and/or suggest I go back on the Prednisone. I am glad that was not the case. I am just so hopefull about all of this. I typically try to remain pessimistic about things like that I am not let down. But I cant help feeling optimistic in this situation.Tara- to ans. your question about the Plaquenil, I was only on it for about 3 weeks. Not long enough for it to kick in, but I am glad we ditched it. It was giving me some tummy troubles.

Best of luck to you!! We're all pulling for ya. I think you've got the right idea about being optimistic. It's an attitude that will take you a long way. Keep it up!!

Thanks--I do feel very blessed to have such a nice, down to earth doctor. He doesnt fool around, and that is as it should be. I just hope that the insurance doesnt try to back out of paying for the Enbrel.

Let your doctor do all the leg work. There really shouldn't be any problem. He's tried several other options and nothing is doing the job. I think sometimes the insurance companies just want to make sure that other things are tried first befor they commit to forking out that kind of money every month.

I only have to pay (My co-pay has actually gone down!!) for a months worth of Humira. Actual cost is over 00!! I can understand why an insurance company would not want to pay for this until they were certain I was out of options.

I ditched plaquenil too - didn't do anything for me.

Good luck with the Enbrel!!   I started that a couple weeks ago too - now if I could get OFF the prednisone, I could actually see if it's working.



Good Luck Crunchy...I hope this works for you!Sounds like you have a great doctor. I hope this one works better and that you start to feel better real soon.You can join me for a weekly cocktail of Enbrel and Mtx.