Arthritis Information -Newbie Here


 Hi all

   I'm Leah 25 years old. On tuesday night I started to complain about my neck hurting me so I went to the doctor on wed and thursday cuz the next morning I started to hurt all over to the point where I was crying. My joints was hurting me. My doctor send me for blood work to check if I have rheumatoid arthritis. Does it sound like I have it? What other symptoms are there to it? What treatments & medications are there? Write Back Soon

   Take Care
Fatigue, rashes, fever, pain, inflammation around a joint, stiffness in the morning that last more than an half an hour. There are tons of meds. Antiinflammatories, biologics, Dmard disease modifiying antirhuematic drugs, which is enbrel, methotrexate and there are others, steriods and some others. A rhuematologist would be the best person to ask. Get all the test done first before you or your doctor decide that you don't have it the best thing is to go with your instinct if you think there is somthing wrong keep seraching for answers.