Heel Pain...help | Arthritis Information


I have RA and last night I was woke up with very strong pain in the upper left part of the heel of my right foot.  It feels slightly swollen there and towards the left side of the foot, but no redness.  The pain was very sharp and hurt more when I lay down then when I walked on it!!  Has anyone ever had this?  Is it related to my RA?  I am just coming off of a flare up and am weaning off of Pred (6mg) and take planqenuil and salsalate.

I think you have Plantar Facsheitis. I know that is spelled wrong. I had to eventually have cortisone shots into the fat pad of my foot and the heel. Is it worse in the morning and at night??

I used to freeze water bottles and roll them from my arch to my heel. Good Luck.

Incidenatally, I think the heel pain was the beginning of my RA.


Same thing happened to me. Two years ago, without warning, my arches started to hurt. I went to a podiatrist, who said I had plantar fasciitis, was fitted with orthotics. It took about 9 months before I could really walk again - and now, looking back, I think it might have been RA rearing its ugly head. Now, I get it every now & again, and is usually the start of a flare. I have arch pads that help. Poof, sorry your hurting. I'm sure the RA has something to do with it - it seems to always play a part in everything we have wrong with us.

I am new to the boards and was dx in June of 05.  I have pain in my feet too.  When I walk it feels like the achilles tendon in both feet are ripping apart.  Especially on stairs, which I have to two step each step cuz of my feet and knees.

Just started enbrel on the 11, this is the tenth time they have changed my meds, so I am hoping for good things this time.

Every ache is related to the RA. 


Welcome Denna! Welcome!   One of the things that started my first full blown flare was the heel pain in my right foot.  I went to an orthopedic who said I had a small bone spur from xrays.  I've been a lot better the past six weeks or so, but am now going back into a full flare, I couldn't even put my shoes on this morning, my feet are so swollen, as I my hands!    

I couldn't believe this when I read it.  I was diagnosed with RA in March 2006. About 9 or 10 months prior I was having such a terrible time trying to walk. My arch in my right foot was so very painful. I went to my Internist. He sent me for a foot X/Ray. He decided that I had Plantar Fasciitis. He sent me to Orthopedic Dr. & he agreed with Internest, & he had me use the Orthotics in my shoes, & also sent me to Physical Therapy. They pushed & shoved on my poor foot. Nothing helped. so I stopped going. Then I started having more problems with my hands hurting, & the foot pain started to go away. My gosh, I bet that was the RA starting in me.

I would never have associated it with RA. This fourm is just great! EVERYTHING is covered on here. Thank you all!


And, I'm not the same inside any more. I'm tougher and I'm weaker. I have hope and I embrace despair. I cry more and I laugh more. I love deeper and cherish every moment, good or bad.

I miss me and the innocence of health. I miss getting desiring looks from young, attractive men. I miss high heels, short dresses, cute outfits, dancing.

Now, it takes two hours to get the body moving, I used to have pretty legs too. But my legs are always swollen, my ankles, my wrists, even my collar bone. I feel deformed. I have to wear long sleeves and long skirts because the sun makes my skin break out in sores that don't go away until they leave a scar.

I want to be beautiful again. I want to be thin, not fat. Take away the double chin and the round face. Oh, please let me be beautiful again.

So, I work on the inside and hope that is where the beauty shows. Sometimes, someone sees it and they stop. Sometimes, they are even a handsome young man.

I guess I'm still beautiful when turned inside out.

   Deanna, what a beautiful poem. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes. You put into words what I've been feeling.

   Marisa The first thing that I notice was that darn heel pain. Every step was like some one was placing pieces of sharp needles and nails inside my heel. I would have tears in my eyes as I made that long walk down the hallways. The only thing that would help was getting off the foot for awhile. Then it move into my ankle and nothing would stop the pain. Not even sitting down for awhile. From reading all of your posts, I've come to realize that this was the start of my RA.


That was a beautiful poem Deanna. I would like to share one of mine with you all since depression is killing me since I am in such pain all the time now:

Day To Day

I just live from day to day
Don't got no job
Don't get no pay

When mornin comes, just wait and see
I'll thank my Lord
Fall to my knees

I may feel good, I may feel bad
I'll think of all
The love I've had

See my face in the mirror dim
Wish I was young
Wish I was thin

Tears will fall upon the floor
I run away
I slam the door

Where did all the good years go?
Time went fast
Wish it was slow

Depression got the best of me
Will I ever feel better?
Will I ever be free?

I want to live without the fear
Without the pills
Constantly near

Time is gone , forever lost
Just like the frost

Robbed my loved ones of my best
I'm always put
To the test

Oh this thing it hurts my heart
Why won't it go ?
Why won't it part?

I guess that it is here to stay
That's why I'm sad



You're poem expresses the sadness very well. I so much feel exactly that way especially on days, like today, when I'm too tired to do such simple things. How can laundry and house cleaning seem like such overwhelming challenges?

This is a grieving process that never really ends. It is also part of acceptance and a hell of a lot of defiance. Keep fighting to get better. Write more. Writing makes me better because it lets my soul go wander where my body no longer can.

I just gathered enough strength to go to the store for a few things as I am having a really bad pain day and our local PAWS animal rescue group was set up out in front of the store having adoption day. I helped start PAWS in 2000 when I still felt pretty good and was the volunteer Kennel Director and web site designer for almost six years. I had to resign because of my disease but was too embarrassed to tell them why. I went back to work at a regular job part time until this last April when I couldn't last more than two hours at my job. Anyway, some of the people from PAWS had to take over my job which was pretty hard. I was on call 24 hours a day, did the mowing, cleaning, and everything. Most of them are mad at me thinking I deserted them. Only two of them spoke to me while ago when I stopped to see the dogs they were adopting and the others ignored me. I could barely drive home because my tears were blinding me. If they really know me, they would realize there was a reason I had to leave. Maybe one day I will tell them, but for now, it's all I can do to take care of my disabled husband and all of my animals. I find relief in the fact that God knows me and that is enough to keep me going.


It's not fair that you suffer like this. I know a lot of people don't tell others about their illness. But why not? It is not something you can help, change or are to blame for. It is nothing to be ashamed about.

When you don't tell them you are actually robbing them of the opportunity to see if they can have compassion for others. If they care for animals, maybe they will care for you also. Maybe they won't. That is their test in life. Some people fail the test. But those that come through are wonderful and can bring a lot of joy into your life.

Consider telling them the truth. Maybe they won't understand. But that puts the blame on them. God has lessons in life for all of us. Your life is a lesson to others.

I do feel for how much this costs you though. That is a lot to have to give up. But just because you had to give up the work, it doesn't mean you have to give up on the people. Even one person's understanding right now would be so helpful.

I wish I had words that would truly comfort you. I lost friends when I got ill because they didn't understand. But now, I have better friends. And, some friends never deserted me. It sounds like you have a big heart, otherwise it would not be breaking so.

I also have heel pain and wonder why I have it I also have pain in my toes and front part of my foot the heel is pretty painful though. We depend on our feet so much that when we have problems with it it can leave us having to lie in bed or sitting constantly feet are very important and I think most people dont relize how important.

Thanks everyone!  I had not checked back in awhile and was blown away by the reponses.  In the mean time I had a RA Dr. appt and he wasn't sure what it was (I really like my Dr).  I have had the pain twice, both times in the middle of the night.  Very shape and it woke me up.  It has always been in the middle of my heel.  I am currently being weaned slowly off of Pred (going to 4mg. tomorrow) after spending 1 weeks at 10 mg. for what my Dr. called a sudden, strong flare.  I have had no RA activity for 4 years (thank you God!!).  However, I did just go thru a very stressful 10 month period which I believe brought on this flare.  Thank you for your information as I believe it has something to do with my RA.  It is so good to know I am not alone.


Also,Deanna I am compeletly with you!  I was never a shoe fanatic my entire life.  Now, that I can't wear anything but gleepy looking shoes I cry when I see all the great shoes!  My swollen ankles aren;t too attracktibve in the summer either.  And to think the medical profession actually wonders why we get depressed from having this disease.

I want my legs back...

OMG--I can't believe this!  What all of you are writing is exactly what happened to me.  It started with foot pain, plantar faciticis (sp?), orthotics that didn't work, could hardly walk, much, much later finally dxed with RA.  I have been wearing Bireknstock shoes which are great after the breakin period.  Just this last month, my RA dr. suggested a person to do new orthotics because he always makes fun of my Birkies.  The man did them and they are wonderful.  (My first pair were hard and made the condition worse.)  I can now wear my sneakers again. 

I think I never had plantar facitics, I think it was the beginning of the RA showing up.  A couple of months ago on vacation, I had been doing a lot of walking and it was the night before my Humira shot, I had been sitting for a length of time and started to get up, the thighs hurt and the feet hurt in the same manner again.  After the shot, I was fine.  Maybe foot doctors ought to be a bit more suspicious when people complain of foot problems--might be more people with RA. 



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