Creek Time | Arthritis Information


I have been making myself do some form of exercise for an hour every day.  Either yoga or take my dogs for my walk.  I am blessed because I am surrounded by creeks and I have places near by that my dogs can run free.  The water is still snow melt - brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - but I can't wait until it warms up a bit.  Walking upstream against the current was extremely therapeutic for my RA.  Especially my knees. 

Anyway, yesterday I got a new "flying squirrel" dog toy for my weimeraner- Tyler.  My weim seems to be half blind.  He has this amazing sense of smell but if you throw things in the water, he likes the water, he has a tough time seeing them.  In fact, my yorkie will sneak and get toy instead.  My yorkie has to be careful because Tyler my weim is so alpha and jealous, he will hold Chico, my yorkie underwater with his paw if he gets the toy. 

Tyler let the flying squirrel get passed him in the current and I didn't want to lose that new toy.  So I went running downstream hoping to get it at the next bridge.  I used to run all the time, since RA - NOT.  Anyway, I was running thinking - boy this feels good to have my lungs and heart working and running again, I was also feeling pound, pound, pound on my knees.  I never found the "flying squirrel" and today my knees are very swollen.  NO exercise today.

The moral to the story - Think twice before you run with ra................