MTX ? | Arthritis Information


I have been trying to find what exactly MTX is suppose to do for poeple with RA?

All I get is it has something to do with blood cells.

Is it to help with further joint damage? Inflammation?

I need a brief description of what it is to do.


And what exactly is prednisone suppose to help with for people with RA?

Sorry to sound nieve. But I never asked about my medicines. Like what they were to do, other then hopefully take the pain & stiffness away. I just wanted to know about the harms & what to watch out for.


Here you go--everything you always wanted to know about methotrexate, and some you didn't. ews/rheumatoid%20arthritis/methotrexate/default.asp?s=1

I gave you some info about prednisone just now on the Prednisone board.



I just wanted to tell you that no question is a stupid question. That's what we're here for...don't ever hesitate to ask a question no matter how stupid it may seem.

I think you are very smart to be researching something so very important. Education is our best defense. Keep it up!!



I agree with Lovie 100%, no question is a stupid question.  Sometimes doctors throw a bunch of drugs at us saying take this, inject that but don't take the time to explain what we are taking or injecting, what the side effects are or what to expect.  Always remember that this is your body and you have every right to know what is going into it, what it is and what it does.  Don't give a second thought to speaking up to your doctor and asking them to explain what they are giving you and why.  Don't just let them treat you, know how they are treating you so you can be a part of the treatment.  Hope that makes sense.

MTX:  Methotrexate, brand names Rheumatrex and Trexall. MTX is a DMARD (disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug), considered the gold standard treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Folic acid supplementation is highly recommended with this medication.  Methotrexate is an antimetabolite. It interferes with the way cells utilize essential nutrients. As a result, methotrexate inhibits the activity of the immune system, consequently reducing inflammation. As a cytotoxic drug it may slow the rapid growth of cells in the synovial membrane that lines the joints.

Prednisone:  Helps reduce inflammation of the joints. In addition to reducing inflammation, glucocorticoids suppress the immune system, which is believed to be overactive in people with rheumatoid arthritis.

Hope this helps.  Peace & Love...Neasy

Thanks for your replies everyone.

The info is very helpful. I usually read he attached phamlet from the drug store of what Iam taking.

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