What helped me with blurred vision | Arthritis Information


I thought I'd report on this, just in case someone else is having similar problems with prednisone and looking for a solution.

I posted last week about getting fluctuating blurred vision from (I assume) the Prednisone.  My doctor thought it was very strange, and said he'd seen such things in diabetics, but my blood sugar levels seemed to be within normal range.  He referred me to an opthalmologist about my vision, and I'm still waiting for my appointment.

Meanwhile, I did a lot of "googling" and thinking, and came upon a study done on "steroid-induced diabetes" in 1999, which showed that prednisone depleted the body's chromium (much as it does the calcium) and that affected patients supplemented with chromium in the form of chromium picolinate improved greatly.  I did some more googling to make sure that the supplement was safe, then found some in a health food store.  I'd also read that it helps to take it together with Biotin (a B-vitamin), so I got some of that, too.  There are some supplements specifically made for diabetics with the same combination. ("Diachrome", I think.)

Within a few days of taking 600 mcg of chromium picolinate & a Biotin tablet every a.m. (as it happens, I take it about 1 1/2 hrs before my prednisone dose), my blurry vision cleared up completely.  As a bonus, so did the leg & foot cramps I'd been having at night.  I can't be 100% certain that's what helped, but I would certainly be prepared to bet on it!

Thanks for the above info its brilliant information. I too have been having intermittent blurred vision and leg cramps but thought it was one of those things you just had to put up with. I'll certainly be giving it a try.

Many Thanks


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