Life is so unpredictable... | Arthritis Information


Life is so unpredictable.  Just when you feel content and comfortable with how things are, along comes something magical, different, fun.  It may only last a brief few moments, a few weeks, months, maybe if you are lucky years…it awakens emotions, sensations, thoughts that have been suppressed for years. It makes you feel alive, vibrant and wonderful, wanted, needed.


Then, something happens, and it’s gone. Poof, just like that, you question, why?  What happened? Was it something I said, something I did? You begin to doubt yourself all over again. You get angry, you get depressed and grieve what was… wondering, is that feeling, that sensation ever going to return?


You doubt yourself, and wonder was it real? It must have been a dream… wishing yourself back to that place of contentment, happiness, safety.  


Cherish those brief few moments… they will not last!  It disappears as quickly as it appears. Life is filled with unexpected moments… embrace both the good and the bad, and learn from them. 

So very true Teri!No, dbmy, I am not a professional writer or poet, I am a math teacher!! LOL  and Thank you very much for the compliment! You're really good, maybe you should give it a try!LOL  thanks, but right now, getting through the day is enough for me without trying something new!!  LOL  