Memory Loss | Arthritis Information


I have been on a very long list of medications for RA since last year.  I am having memory problems.  I'm not sure if the cause is stress, RA itself or the meds.  Is anyone else experiencing this?  I'm having trouble finding info on this.


Wow!  I just did a few searches of my own and couldn't come up with anything either.  Your post is new so please try to be patient.  There's probably someone on the boards that will be able to relate and be able to provide some information for you.  Have you talked with you Rheumy about the memory loss?  Peace & Love...Neasy

Hi RMaria,

I've been experiencing the same thing.  I didn't think too much of it at first, but I'm going to be asking my doctor about it the next time I see her.


i suffer with memory loss, forgetting whole conversations straight after they happen. My sons gonna kill me when he realises he missed a birthday party today

But i always put that down to the thyroid problem rather than RA but i don't know?

A friend of mine was on MTX and Prednisone for 5+ years, she eventually had to stop taking them because of what she described as " brain fog ". She couldnt concentrate properly and was forgetting things on a daily basis.

Check out ay/display_id/94.html

Some useful info mentioned there. Hope this helps.

My family gave me a palm pilot to help me keep track of  appointments and telephone numbers.  I addressed this wth the dr but he said he hadn't heard of that before.  RMaria38486.4469907407 [QUOTE=Dagda]

A friend of mine was on MTX and Prednisone for 5+ years, she eventually had to stop taking them because of what she described as " brain fog ". She couldnt concentrate properly and was forgetting things on a daily basis.

Check out ay/display_id/94.html

Some useful info mentioned there. Hope this helps.


Thanks Dagda, I read the info on the website, t was very useful.    I am going to pursue this when I see the dr again on the 31st.
Yes I suffer with memory loss since being on prednisone. My kids love it! LOL! I am always forgetting things and it is very frustrating as I have always had a very sharp memory. Now I have to write everything down.
My old rheumy told me if was due to the prednisone.

Also for anyone who has fibro...memory loss goes with it as well.  just something in case any of you have memory loss as well and are new to fibro.
hugs, wayney

Whoa! I have noticed memory loss recently. I chalked it up to age but maybe it's the RA. I can't keep track of anything. I used to have a sharp memory but for the past year I am constatntly forgetting to do things. I also can't concetrate. I'm constantly distracted. I have little pieces of paper everywhere but never remember to look at them! Little good they do, hahah.

Last week it was ridges on my fingernails and this week memory loss.

It's neat to see all these things we have in common and/or experienced.


I feel much better about my memory loss after reading these posts.  Little bits of paper everywhere, things written on the calendar, and I have a planner that I carry with me (but forget to look at

It's so nice to know you're not alone, and that there are others out there that have the same problems.  Especially when those closest to you don't have a clue.


I also suffer from memory loss. It is very difficult for me to deal with because I am a mental health therapist. It is unfair to my clients to have to repeat things to me that I should have remembered from my last session and I am considering taking a break so as not to do a disservice to them. I have gotten to where I take really good notes and I now review them prior to all sessions. I used to not have to do that. I also carry a calendar with me at all times, as well as a notebook. Each morning I look at my calendar to see what it is I need to do for the day. If this is hard for you to remember, how about putting a note next to your medications? I also put a note on my car seat if there is something I need to remember throughout the day. There are memory-sharping techniques, programs, books, etc out there, but I have not tried them yet. It is very frustrating and embarrasing, but I work with what I have :) I wish you all good health and good memories :) Love, Juliah

I've got some of that too I think. At times I draw a complete blank. Phone numbers I've known by heart I can't remember for the life of me....someone asked me the other day what my daughters teacher's name was and I drew a complete blank!! I felt like such an idiot. What kind of mother doesn't know her teachers name?

I've chalked most of mine up to recent early menopause and all the changes that have occured; but maybe it is RA or the medications I'm on. I haven't been on pred. for quite a whiole though; although I've taken it off and on for 11 years.

Okay let me get this straight: ridges on nails, teeth sensitivity, memory loss, hair loss, fatigue, rashes, headaches, weight gain, stiffness, pain, nausea, dizziness, ................................................ ...............

okay so when do we start growing more arms, heads, and turning green ??????? with all that i have been reading on here, im beginning to think im doomed for life!!!!!  I guess its time to jump out of denial, especially now that i have to give myself shots.

Does anyone ever get upset when u tell someone what u have and it seems like all they hear is the "arthritis" part and not the rheumatoid part and they are like "yeah, i have a little arthritis in my knee."  They dont seem to grasp the part that this isnt normal arthritis but that its much much more than that.  I dont know it upsets me at times.

Anyone here finding any "nodules"?  Luckily Im not yet and hope i avoid that "symptom".
brain fog......ummm what was i saying about frain bog??? i mean fogbrain...i mean bain frog....oh forget it...

sorry my attempt at humor at midnight while suffering the fog.

my main comment was on what you said about people not hearing the rheumatoid times i try to avoid say rheumatoid arthritis.  i try to say i have an autoimmune condition that causes my body to make antibodies against itself thereby attacking itself.  that usually shuts em up.  until they want to know the name of it...then i relent and say it is RA.  then they go into their oh i have a little...and i am quite rude and interrupt them asking if theirs is in one joint or bodywide and if they get some of the more "lovely" symptoms like rashes, low grade fevers etc.  that either makes em mad or makes em realize they can't make me feel bad for them
as i said though, i am a bit rude about it.
hugs wayney

I have memory loss too.

I had it real bad back when I was on Arava. I actually forgot my mommy's phone# that I dialed atleast 3 times a day. One night I was going to call my mommy and I had already called 3 times that day, and I could not for the life of me remember her phone#! I dialed and dialed and never got her number. So I gave up and went to bed. The next day I had to go call my sister at work to ask her what mom's phone# was. I only remembered sis's work# because it was in the phone book.

Now I just draw blanks or just totally forget what I was thinking. When I was pregnant I had to write down things I wanted to tell hubby if I could not get him on the phone the first time I called. I came up with that idea after many of times of forgetting and having to call him back and then not getting him on the first try. It was a vicious cycle! I would annoy him, when I would do that.


I've found it's easier for me to not say anything at all. If someone questions why I'm limping at times I'll just say "My knees giving me a hard time today" or something like that. Rarely do their questions go any further than that. It's not worth going into a lenghty discussion with someone who really doesn't care to begin with what's wrong with you.

I'm in no way ashamed of what's wrong with me; but over the years I've just learned that the only people that really need to know your story are the ones that it directly effects. My closest friends and co-worker and of coarse my family.

I'll admit I have heard the same remarks as you when I've mistakenly mentioned Rheumatoid doubt just about everyone will say "Oh that's painful. I've got a touch of that in my knee" Never fails...and that just tends to get me worked up. It's not worth it. They don't mean any harm; They just haven't had time to research the difference for years like all of us here have. I'll admit 12 years ago I didn't understand the difference...why should they?


Fog brain is a great way to describe it.

It's getting worse for me. I'll be at work and can not for the life of me remember something that I had worked on just a month ago.

I have lots of nodules. There's absolutely no hiding the fact that I have RA. People stare at me. I'm 35 but have had "grandma hands"  since I was a kid. I have nodules on my knucles and pointy elbows and nobby knees. I have bunions and bursars on my feet. I've had a lot of surgery so I have scars on many of my joints.

Me, if I were a cartoon character:

When I was pregnant hubby & I had a set routine. On Firdays we would go to Wal-Mart around 11am to grocry shop for the week. Well, I guess the cashiers got use to us. About a couple of weeks ago we were in line and got up to check out and the cashier said "How are you doing after your stroke?" I looked at her like she was crazy and said I didn't have a stroke. She then replied "Oh someone told me you had a stroke after having your baby."

Iam guessing they assumed I had a stroke, because most of my left side is what is stiff and I have to walk with my left leg stright.

But still was very embarrassing. Sometimes things like that make me not want to go out in public when I am hurting & stiff. But hubby makes me, don't know why, but he does.

Ive had a little memory loss, I mean like im about to dial a number that I dial daily then all of a sudden I cant remember ANY of it. So odd, but I sometimes just have to sit there a minute and remember it. I thought it was due to the Paxil im taking. I dunno, but I hope to get off Paxil eventually hopefully that will go away! Yea and I have to write everything down or else "forget about it" literally lol. Well good luck to you :)


For those of you that suffer from hypothyroidism too, it is part of our sypmtoms.  I forget words that I want to say.

It is something we live with and we just have to learn a couple tricks to keep our sanity.  I just tell people I suffer from dimentia and to just ignore me.lolololol

Kidding aside I know it is scarey when you can't remember things, it makes you wonder if you are a candidate for Alzhiemers etc.   My dr tells me that as long as you use your brain and keep it active the younger you feel.  what that means is challenge it.  Try puzzles, crosswords, action etc.  It does help the brain.  So to my fellow Brain Foggers we shall overcome!!!!! lolol  Everyone have a wonderful and blissful day.  xoxoxoxo  Meme



What was the question again?

Mike my bring much needed laughter to our group. You're awesome!! Keep it up. We all need to laugh at ourselves just a little more.


[QUOTE=mike lapke]

What was the question again?


Can't seem to recall, hhhmmmmmmmmm?