Worst ones in a while... | Arthritis Information


I had been doing pretty good with controlling the mouth sores but right now I have 3 on the instide of my lower lip. They brush against my teeth and everything that I try to eat. I hadent had any really bad ones in about 6 weeks. These are miserable. Last night I even put an ice pak on them to try and get some relief. Pain meds only help a little bit. WWWAAAAAAAA!!! They really hurt.

Also try eating yogurt.

If you can't get it under control, call the doc. You can get mouth infections. I got thrush once (it's gross and turns your mouth white). I got it simply because my immune system is depressed from the medications.

I got them bad with mtx but folic acid cleared them up right away.  Definitely increase your folic acid.  They are so painful.  Crunchy, talk to your pharmacist.  They may be able to mix a mouthwash that will help with the pain and healing.  I haven't gotten any mouth sores yet but a friend did and that's how I found out about the mix from the pharmacist.  Not every pharmacist will do this or they may need an order from your RD but it's worth a try. 


Ask your doctor about Chlohexadrine. Its a mouth rinse that cleared up our daughters mouth sores. We get it from our dentist now but the original prescription came from our Rhumadoc. She takes 5mg Folic Acid now also. The rinse comes in a form that won't stain your teeth and has 0% alcohol.  All the Best

I get them sometimes too! but, the corners of my mouth stay cracked & sore. I've tried neosporin, vasaline, chapstick. Nothing helps. Having a sore mouth really sucks!

I am taking almost 3 mg/day of the folic acid. When I increased it I noticed a decrease in the number of and severity of the sores. I think I have some stuff from the dentist on hold at the pharmacy, I just am really broke right now and it will cost to get it.

Linda B- are you talking about magic mouthwash? I have wondered about it before. What's in that? Isnt it Benedryl, Maalox and ???? I dont want to get that confused with a GI Cocktail..

I did miss ONE dose of folic acid last Sunday (not yesterday) because my stomach was bothering my and I didnt feel like taking any pills. I have found that using carmex helps because it doesnt pull so much if my lips are moist on the outside, even though the sores are inside.

Call the doctor's office. They shouldn't be this bad.

Also, blurry eyes could be a sign that you are flaring. Mine get that way when my body is really run down. Both RA and Sjogren's affect my eyes. But my eyes actually get hot from the RA. They have to give me cortisone drops to clear it up.

It sounds like something is going on. Please check it out.

Crunchy,  Try 5 mg. folic acid.  That is what cleared up my mouth sores within 24 hours. 

If you get mouth soars, up the folic acid to another pill for a few days.  That is what i do when it happens and they go away.

Yes, I was prone to them before, but since on the mtx they are much worse and they always bring friends. I am going to up the folate to 5 mg for maybe 2-3 days. And yes, I have had 3 pretty decent days as far as pain to the joints goes, but I puffed up like a puffer-fish last night and my joints are sore today...sounds like it was the beginning of the next wonderful flair.
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