heartburn | Arthritis Information


The RD put me on Celebrex & upped my MTX a week & a half ago. Last week, I woke up in the night with severe heartburn. Got up, walked around, drank some water, ate a cracker. Went back to bed. Sunday night, the same thing happened, only drinking water & eating a cracker didn't help. Yesterday, I had heartburn all day.

There is nothing worse than being kept awake at 3:00 a.m. with heartburn.

Do you think it's the Celebrex, the MTX, the prednisone, or a combination of the three? Any advice? I'm going to call my RD soon, but I'd like to hear if this has happened to you. (I didn't take the Celebrex this morning, but I know I'm going to pay for that).

I'm already taking Prilosec for gastric issues - but it kept things under control until now.


it's possible that the meds are causing it.  I have always had a problem with heartburn, but being on losec has kept that under control. 

Let us know what your doctor said.

Fiona, one of my symptoms is horrific recurring never going away heartburn/indegestion, what ever you want to call it!  I went to my primary for these symptoms, she took me off ibuprofen and put me on celebrex, didn't notice any difference in the stomach pain.  She also put me on 300mg Zantac, which does help some.  I had an upper GI done a few weeks ago which said I don't have ulcers or acid reflux, so now they are thinking maybe gallbladder, which I go in for an ultrasound on 6/2. In the mean time, there have been nights I can't sleep because of the severe pain in my upper abdomen area.  I still get heartburn as well.  I am down to eating almost nothing and the only thing I can drink without getting nauseas or hurting is water or ice tea.  If nothing else, this is going to allow me to lose some weight!  LOL   I would say it could be a mix of the meds.  Can you take your Celebrex with some food to help easy the stomach irriatation?  My pharmacist said to do that with the ibuprofen and it helps!

Terinski, when you have pain in the upper abdomen that you think is caused by the gallbladder, try taking some Imodium.  Although it is marketed for diarrhea, I have found that since it is an anti-spasmodic it helps with my occasional bouts with nighttime gallbladder pain.  I happened upon it one night and it worked - when I told my doctor about it, he said, "You know, now that you mention it, that's a great idea".  And the good thing is, even if you try it and it doesn't work, it won't cause any harm. 


But if you aren't having diarhea, won't it constipate you?   It wasn't a major issue - may have slowed things down a bit, but didn't cause major constipation. Ter - my gallbladder's long gone. I don't think it's my heart. I do have acid reflux & erosion of stomach & esophagus. I hope I haven't punched a hole in my stomach!?!? If you are taking mtx orally it could be causing some of your GI problems. Celebrex is supposed to be safer for you stomach than ibuprofen. Look up GERD or Barretts Esophogitis online for tips for managing the reflux, there maybe some ideas for things you can do at home to minimize it.  My husband has Barretts. He still has a habit of eating or drinking and then going to bed. He often wakes up and has to go spit because everything is trying to come back up.  He takes a med called Aciphex.  I am not so sure that it works any better than prilosec or the others and the Aciphex is way to expensive. But then that is just him....I am not so sure that he is taking it every single day like he is supposed to. I cant keep up with his meds and mine too. Anyways, have you tried some Maalox or Rolaids?  You can get that and Pepcid over the counter.

All antiflam pills like celebrex, naproxen etc. can cause a gassy stomach.  Celebrex is lighter on the stomach than the others.  I used to take naproxen but it tore my tummy up so bad i had to go to celebrex.

Methotrexate causes horrible heart burn and gas with me as well, so i take zantac and Pepcid daily to help.

And yes, prednisone also causes it "more" than the others will.  My regular family doctor wants me off pred if possible because my stomach isn't very strong.

My daughte rjust had gall bladder surgery and it was making her very ill. She also has acid reflux and is on a great deal of pain medications. They give her something for nausea and stomach irritation every day. In the hospital, they were giving her pepcid a lot to keep her stomach calmed down.

If you gall bladder is a problem, it will make a tremendous difference in how you feel if it is treated. It is a shame that your ultrasound is not for awhile. If you get worse (she started throwing up continuously) go ahead and make it to the ER or call your primary right away. They suspected her gall bladder for several years and did ultrasounds. Even in the ER, they first thought it was food poisioning until they did the blood work. Has your doctor done blood work?

I know this is very painful. I hope you feel better soon.

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