Baker’s cyst | Arthritis Information


Do any of you get baker's cyst? I seem to get one every year or two in either knee. They always rupture after a couple of weeks and cause terrible pain in my calf, ankle & foot. I had baker's cysts behind both knees for several years.  They used to cause me lots of discomfort. I don't know that they ever ruptured, I had heaps of ultrasounds on them and they seemed to be there for the whole time I had the arthritic knees.They were about 2inches long and 3/4 of an inch wide, about the size of a finger, it made it really uncomfortable to bend my knees.  Sort of felt like I had a marble in back of my knee.  I haven't had any problems since I had my knee replacements.  mine are always the size of eggs and only last a couple of weeks to maybe 2 months before they rupture. The pain and swelling after they rupture usually last about 2 months.

I've never had one rupture but I have had them behind both knees. If they don't just go away on their own a shot of cortisone has worked in my case. My doctor mentioned draining them once....but the cortisone worked and that didn't have to happen.

Ever had one drained?

Hi there:  Had Baker's Cyst one leg this past year but it resolved when my RD increased Predn.  If it hadn't resolved then we were going to try draining and/or cort. shot.  Haven't been plagued with it since.  It was very annoying because it was large 3/3 inches.  Is there any reason why you let them rupture instead of treating them?  Is it better to let them go away on their own?Wonder why some rupture and some go away on their own? I'm not sure there is any way to determine if it will in fact go away....or if it's going to ruture. He's offered to drain them before but I'm too scared to try that. I know some people have them surgically removed when they last a long time. I guess I shouldn't complain since I'm too chicken to have it drained.I'd have them drained because there is always a slim chance of infection setting in and it's hard to treat.  There's very little pain and just a little discomfort afterwards.  If you have them for a long time they may have to be surgically removed. 