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Hi All

I'm new here and am so glad I joined. Its great to read so much advice, better than most GP's!! I am being persuaded by my RA consultant to start MTX but I Really don't want to!! The side effects are so scarey!  I've been on Sulphasalazine for 8 years- now thats no good for me, and I'm going to try Plaquenil if my consultant will let me. Is there any one on here who takes Plaquenil without anything else? And does it work?

Really appreciate your advice and look forward to visiting  here often,


Hi mrsf 

welcome to the best place to hurt!

I'm on sulphasalazine too, but also turned down the methotrexate.


I'm new to RA and my doc has recommended plaquenil alone. I am getting a second opinion next month before I start anything. Welcome to the board! I hope you find relief soon. Love and gentle hugs, Juliah


Welcome aboard!! We're glad you're here.

I took sulfersazine as well as plaquenil years ago...neither were ever as affective as MTX.

Again; WELCOME!!! IT's good to have you here.


I was on Plaquinal for about 1.5 years on its own, a few years back. Its considered one of the weaker DMARDS on the market but has been known to work for some people.  Personally i never found it that good and the side effects werent that good either. Photosensativity and slight hair loss among them.

If you do decide to try it, its important to have your eyes checked every 6-9 months. Plaquinal can, rarely, leave crystal deposits behind your eyes which can damage them. Thankfully its reverseable once caught in time. Sorry to hear the Sulphasalazine is no longer working. Have you considered one of the Bio drugs?

Hope things work out for you

thanks so much for your advice.  I'm going to docs today so----?! Over here you cant get bios until you try Metho!! Typical! Anyway,THANKS again



Glad to see you.  I am on mtx and have found it helps alot.  As long as you go for your monthly bloodwork it will catch any problems.  I have had to go off mtx twice due to infections but as soon as they cleared up I was right back on.  I also have enbrel shots injections twice a week too.  meme

My rheumy told me it was the same here in the US--most insurance companies will not cover the biologics until you've tried metho.  And it sort of makes sense, considering the cost of them.  That's OK, though.  Who knows?  The metho might work just fine for you!  The main thing is to knock it out, whatever it takes.


Welcome mrsf!!

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