Does anyone experience this? | Arthritis Information


This happens to me often lately, and I was wondering if it is arthritis related. I have been replacing someone at work. She has a desk job. When I get up to go to lunch or my break, or even when I get up to go to the washroom... my upper thighs are sore. It is like a muscle pain between my knee and hip, but on the sides. I am very stiff too. I can't seem to straighten up until I am halfway down the hall. I know the being stiff is arthritis related, but the muscle soreness... it is just a strange thing. I haven't been exercising lately and I am hoping it isn't because I am getting really out of shape. I worked so hard to loose 30 pounds last summer. I know I have gained some of it back though.... none of my summer clothes fit me anymore! Dar, if I didn't know better, it would be me that you are describing. I can't sit for long periods of time as there's hell to pay when I get up. Both my RA and OA docs told me that it's from my arthritis in my hips and knees and that carrying extra weight doesn't help my joints. All I know is that when I was lighter, I still had the problem but then my knee joints are not straight. They turn towards the inside of my leg, one more then the other. I'm a crooked old lady as my hips aren't even either. The other thing is I can't wear shoes with a heel. This will make me feel like I'm off balance. For me it's flats or my Frankenstein shoes!

   MarisaI've got the sore thigh muscles too!  After I sit for any length of time I have to get up slowly and un-bend myself.  The muscles are SOOOO stiff!You sound exactly like me.  I'm bent over like an old man when I get up after sitting. This weekend we took a car trip and I had so much trouble after getting out of the car that I limped for about 20 minutes afterwards. Also, If I stoop down to reach a low file cabinet, I don't have the strength in my legs to get up again . I have to hold on to something, or someone has to help me.

LindaK, that is so much like me too! If I have to bend down to file charts or get anything on the bottom shelves or floor (I seem to have this problem of dropping things a lot too these days! Yesterday, I broke three cups!), I can't get back up. I have to hawl myself up from the other shelves or hoist myself up from something else. Just six months ago, I had worked my way to doing 20 squats with my ten pound weights! Now, I drop a pen on the floor ( which I did around ten times today. Murphy's Law I guess!), I can't get back up! I have stopped all exercise though. I have gained some. Starting to see a double chin again. I don't see how I can get this bad so fast though. I still eat healthy. I just don't have any energy to exercise when I get home from work. My work environment drains what little energy I have left by the end of the day. Still, I need to do something.

Thanks everyone for your responces! I thought I was going crazy. My joints hurt, sure, but my muscles? This is just one weird thing after another.

In the morning, the stiffness is much worse than a year ago. I feel like the tin man before Dorothy arrived with the tin can.

Sometimes I wish my kids still lived at home just so they could help me get off my butt. Best solution is not to be still until I have to be. But once I'm asleep, all bets are off.

I have the same problem. When I get out of the car, I can't stand up straight. In fact, today I had my nails done. When I had to get up from the chair to wash my hands, I couldn't straighten up for a spell & I have  soreness in my butt fat cheeks. lol  It is sorta hard to explain, but the muscle or bone, I'm not sure which, hurts me.

I swear, when I get out of bed in the morning, I start to ask  myself, What is going to hurt me today.I do know that my hands & neck & knees will be hurting. I'm worrying about my neck. I can just about turn it from side to side a little ways.

I just hope I can lose some of this weight that I gained. I finally found a dress today to wear to a wedding Friday night. Size 16W. I have never been that size in my life.

Your right Dar, there is always one weird



Dar, The one thing that helps the stiffness is constantly exercising, especially in warm water. After a hard day at work and a long commute it's the last thing I feel like but If I do it, I sleep better and I'm less stiff the next day. If you can get a physical therapy program and stay with it, You'll be less stiff and restricted. I'm better now than I was 2 years ago when I'd actually fall when I stooped down. I'm still bent when I get up after sitting, but less so than before.