Kineret and protein | Arthritis Information


Reading an article today about how a child with Jr. RA had a huge amount of pretein in her body the whole time she had JR RA and how Kineret cures it all for her when she takes it.

I wasn't diagnosed as a child, but when i was having tons of tests, they told me my protein level was so high that i didn't need to eat protein at all.  Which makes me wonder if this drug would be right for me now?

What do you think about it?

I have been on Kineret.  It is not a TNF biologic. I think this is the protein you are refering to in the article.  It's not the type you eat. Kineret is the only approved therapy that directly and selectively blocks interleukin-1 (IL-1), a protein present in excess in RA patients. By blocking IL-1, Kineret inhibits the inflammatory response in RA including pain.

I read that this has been working on people that nothing else works on.

Can I ask, how much do you spend a month on this treatment in US Dollars (i know some people are in Canada etc.)


I am no longer on the med.  When I was my ins copay for the med was .00 for a 3 month supply.  I did have about 10 weeks of the med in my fridge because I was taken off of it.  I had to throw it out because it expired. I wish someone would have taken it.  The retail price for the med listed on my pharmacy slip for 3 months was 50.32. I live in Maryland.I'm only 22 but have had juvenile RA since age 4. I was not responding to any of the dozen of meds I tried or the ones that did work stopped. I've been on Kineret for maybe about 5 months and it has been a miracle. I have an HMO- Tufts Health Plan and pay / month....ouch! But worth it!