Prednisone | Arthritis Information


So because of wanting to get pregnant etc. i came off plaquenil etc. I started having awful flares. The worst pains ever. So my rheumy gave me PREDNISONE. Ugh. The dreaded.  Is it a given that i'm going to gain weight?  Is there anyone who didnt gain weight when they took Prednisone?

I finally dropped my script off at the pharmacy yesterday after it sat in my bag for a week.  The next step is for me to pick it up.... i know this seems vain but i just spent the last year losing weight (25 lb) and i don't want to gain it back!


Not everyone does Chadden....Welcome to AI.

I did; but I get so hungry on that stuff. If you watch what you eat and exercise if you can you'll be fine. Hopefully it won't take too long to get pregnant and MAYBE your symptoms will go away during that time.

There are those that do not gain weight. Don't go into this thinking "Oh this stuff makes me fat anyway....why not have 6 cookies instead of 2" Then yeah; you'll pack on the pounds quick. Just try to be careful. It does increase your appitite and you can easily eat twice as much as you did before. Try to make healtyier choices instead of high fat foods also will help.

Hope to see more of you here.

Thanks for the response.  I eat very healthy now so that shouldn't be a problem.  Like i said i just finally got down to my goal weight of 130 lbs and i really don't want to climb back up. 

Does it make you bloaty?


I have been on prednisone since early January, so far I have lost almost 40lbs, so no, I haven't gained weight as of yet :)

Just watch what you eat.  Many get cravings and eat fried foods etc. that are bad, prednisone helps those stick to your thighs.  Eat right and you "should" be ok.  Many also have lack of exercise once they get on prednisone due to arthritis pain, so the lack in exercise, the food we eat and the prednisone making everything attack to our thighs can make weight gain.

I have had cravings with it, so i eat apples.

I gained even though I was really careful, but it was only about 6 lbs.  The thing that I noticed was that while I was on it my face got really round and fat looking. That went away within 2 weeks after I got off of it. Truthfully, I dont like the Prednisone, even though it helped relieve my symptoms, and I would be very resistant to taking it again for the same reasons you dont want to take it. But if you are trying to get pregnant you really dont have much choice unless you are willing to suffer through the pain and swelling you are having right now.

PS-it did make me crave sweets, you can work around that though with sugar free sweets and fruit

Oh yeah, and welcome to the boards!!!

It gives me tons of energy....I actually enjoy that part; but it makes me feel very angry at times. Almost as if I could explode at times. I can't stand that feeling.

Bloaty? At times I think a lot of this medicine does that....not sure it was the predisone exactly.

I have been on prednisone since December and I've gained about 8lbs...not too horrible, and it's remained stable or I've lost a pound or two over the past month.  And that's mainly because in the beginning I think I just didn't care and ate whatever I wanted.  Now I am being a bit more careful and I'm not putting on the weight.  Also, there was more of a shift than a gain.  I had read recently prednisone causes your body to distribute your bodyfat differently...more around the stomach, face and neck...and that's exactly where mine went!  I think if you stick with your current healthy eating, you will be fine :)