Thin Skin | Arthritis Information


We all know that our meds can cause thin skin, but what can be done about it other than discontinuing the meds. Does anyone else have this?  It makes a small bruise look like we fought with an alligator! 

Luv, Justme Justme I have the same problem. I think it's the prednisone. I give myself injections of enbrel and I not only have reactions at the site, I get these bruises that don't go away for weeks. Any kind of bump or cut it a major deal. I wish I knew a solution. I guess it's the price we pay.   I can just brush against something and I will have a bruise. There are times when I look like I got beat up. All I know is that the bruise wasn't there the night before, but in the morning, there it is. Guess I beat myself up when sleeping.

   MarisaI have always been like that, esp. on the legs. My mom too.