RA and Fibro | Arthritis Information


I'm beginning to think I may have fibro. I think my sister may have this too. I have had RA most of my life but there have been things that just don't add up that. Things like the top of my head hurting, and my thighs feeling like they are always bruised, my 10-12 day long periods, sensitivty to light and sound, sinus problems that come and go, night sweats, etc.

Basically all the things on this list I have experienced in my lifetime: http://www.sover.net/~devstar/phsympt.htm

I thought these things were just 'me' and me being 'odd'. There's the fatigue from the RA and headaches which I contributed to enbrel. So I just chalked it up.

So what tipped you all off to make you or your doc think you had fibro? Also what type of doc would one see about this? primary care or rheumy?

I'm constantly fascinated by the things I learn on this board.

(I posted this is in the fibro section too)

Hi kayobe,

I was diagnosed with the fibro first, since at that time there were no signs of the RA.  My primary sent me to a rheumy, who confirmed the diagnosis, and through further testing diagnosed the RA about a month or so later. I continued to see the rheumy for both conditions, but getting my regular blood work done by the primary.

I have a questions for those of you with both.  Lately I've been in so much pain I can't stand it.  I'd say on the pain scale, it's at least and 8 or 9.  Last night I was close to tears all night from the pain in my knees and feet.  I also have hard lumps growing at most of the joints that are affected... the knuckles, knees, elbows, etc.  Are these from the RA or the fibro?  There is swelling, but I was wondering about the lumps.  By the end of the day, I can't straighten my knees, and I can hardly walk.  I see the rheumy this week (finally), and hopefully will get some definite answers.  I was just wondering what you all thought.




I have wondered if I have fibro for years, but shy away from thoughts of that because all I can think of is..."yuppie flu", LOL. I KNOW fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue are real, and I'm equally certain I suffer from fibro, but I refuse to tell the doctor all of my symptoms b/c I fear a diagnosis. Now I'm not sure of the line between RA and fibro. Do they interchange symptoms?
  • Fatigue
  • Persistent fatigue
  • Intermittent fatigue
  • Fatigue from exertion
  • Tiredness
  • Weakness
  • Depression
  • Exhaustion
  • Headache
  • Tender lymph nodes
  • Muscle aches
  • Muscle aches after exertion

    Joint aches

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Muscle pain

  • Loss of memory
  • Short-term memory loss
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression - in some case
  • Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome


    Symptoms of fibromyalgia

    A lot of diseases have symptoms that overlap, so it would be fairly common I'm thinking to have RA, fibor and cfs.

    many times fibro can be secondary to RA...(waving my hand and saying me...me, that's me)
    cris, the lumps are most likely rheumatoid nodules if they are on or near joints. 
    if fibro is combined with CMP (chronic myfascial pain syndrome), then lumps in the muscles are caused by that.  i'm really foggy so this is not the best description and i am too lazy to look it all up...but the site kayobe posted is the best description i have seen of CMP....is that those lumps are trigger points (not to be confused with the 18 tender points used to dx fibro)  they can feel like taut bands of muscle, lumps etc.  but they are usually deep.  they refer pain when pressed on to surrounding areas. 

    clear as mud huh???

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