Online routine - for fun | Arthritis Information


I thought it might be interesting to see what everyone elses routine is and your favorite sites to visit. Everyday I do: mail; come to this site; enter publishers clearing house; play Webstakes scratch off; lately check the stautus of my tax refund and go to The Dollar Stretcher.


First:  a double size cup of tea.

Second:  read e-mails, delete junk mail

Third:  read the Melbourne Age on-line

Fourth:  read the Toronto Star on-line

Fifth:  read CNN on-line

Sixth:  check out what's going on on this site.

Seventh:  Have a second cup of tea

Eighth:  Do an on-line survey or two

Ninth:  Check out e-bay

Tenth:  Do some searching on for my family tree

Mine varies. I get on here when I know I will have time. I check my email about once every few days. I check my bank account. Then if I have somewhere to go or something to do I will research it online/mapquest etc. I usually check back here again to see if there is any response to my posts.

I am off and on many times a day. If I wonder about anything, I look it up online.

I enter publishers clearing house everyday too. I'm usually online in the morning. I check my e-mail, come to this site, and then go to my favorite magic site to see what's up. I have friends from all over the world and we will set up times when we can be on line at the same time for our little chat.
I don't do my banking or anything like that as my roomie isn't careful about what he opens on the internet. I finally had to yell at him and made him paid for the anti virus / spy wear softwear that's been installed on my computer.
Basically, I use my PC for keeping in touch with my friends or if I need to look up something.


 I see a few of you do sweepstakes. Here is a great site and its safe.I have won lots of prizes.  I come in here off and on all day (Iam new)

Struggle out of bed. Hate the alarm clock. Ignore the alarm clock. Hit the alarm clock.

Finally drag myself out of bed. Then I put a hot wash cloth on my eyes (for the Sjogren's). I can't barely see if I don't.

Cup of tea. Life does not exist with tea. Fix breakfast. Email my uncle. He's great. We talk almost every day and he is like a father to me. Check out this site now.

Pull myself away from the computer and get ready for work. Leave at last possible minute. Three days a week, I go to Physical Therapy and then to work.

Bored at work, hate it, hurts my shoulder, but must do. Hour to and from work.

Errands many nights, home sweet home and back at the computer again.


Try to sleep late on Saturdays. Then, I will do one big thing on Saturday and Sunday, hopefully with my kids. If I'm not resting, then I'm working on one of my books.

Also working on my plans for the future. They are under constant revision. That is what keeps me going, my list of things I WANT to do.

Have to force myself to bed. Not ready to give up the day.

Wake up at 5:45 AM  to my alarm.

Do hot water abloutions for my bleharitis and Sjogren's so I can see. Stiffly make my way down stairs where my husband has the coffee going. Eat breakfast and take about 10 pills. Prednisone has now kicked in so I'm moving better. Put on 65 SFP suncreen and my big white hat to ward off any more skin cancer. Drive 45 minutes to school to begin work at 7:30.

Hopefully finish work between 3:00 and 4:00. Drive to sports center where I do an hour worth of PT and warm water exercises. Drive home by about 6:30 where my husband has hopefully cooked dinner. If it's Wednesday, inject enbrel, otherwise eat and afterwards get on AI , check Email, sometimes check shopping sites, rarely research things.

By 8:00-8:30 I'm in bed reading.

You all  make me feel lazy...............not really, have done it all and it's now my turn to rest.

Get up naturally (no alarm clock) or as natural as possible with two cats wallowing around on the bed and a husband deciding to shower and shave.

Play with the cats until I can move out of bed

Wash out  my eyes and put in drops

Pet the kitties and Stan

Limp to the kitchen for my 1st cup of coffee (small cup or big-depends on how strength I have in my hand that particular day)

Pet the kitties

Check emails

Read and chat with Mexican friends and neighbors

Pet Stan

Get online and read the newspapers

Read this forum

Pet the kitties

Read and chat on the La Jaltemba Bay (Mexico) forum

Have 2nd cup of coffee, shower and dress

Pet kitties and Stan

Review bank account

Make plans for day, water exercise, walk, read, if we're traveling: how far and destination, activities when we get there.

Ignore kitties and Stan (tired of petting)

Get on with my day


Whew hew! my tax refund finally was deposited!

Linda, like you I spend alot of time petting kitties. Every morning must start with a game of kill the feet under the covers. I have 2 girls in heat and they are driving me nuts.

Gizzy thanks for the site info. I'm going to give it a try.
