Is anyone else .... | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone -

Is anyone else a grumpy, grouchy, or the bad word that begins with B just about all the time due to the pain & stiffness?

I know I am atleast one of them 3 at one point in the day, because of my pain & stiffness. I am like that towards everyone. I even get really frustrated with my daughter, husband, and now my son. I yell at them all the time because I get annoyed with them all.

Does anyone else do what I do?

I feel really bad about me acting that way. When I was pregnant I was happy hardly ever yelled or got annoyed at them. And my daughter realized that and told me she liked me better when I was pregnant. It really hurt my feelings. But I try to not be like that all the time now, but it is so HARD!

Girl I know what you mean. I'm the worst first thing in the morning. My husband is such a sweetheart and I will snap at him at the drop of a dime. Over time he's learned to tip toe around me until my morning stiffness wears off and I've learned that at times it's best for me to go sit on the front porch with a glass of wine once I start yelling at everyone in the house.

I've learned to control myself better than I use to...and my loved ones have learned when it's best to steer clear of me.

I hate feeling that way are not alone!!

Sorry you are having a hard time. Are you on Prednisone? I know that I was that way when I took it before I started my zoloft.

Talk to your dr. about it.

Gentle hugs

I had such a bad flare up Friday and I had worked, boy you wanted to stay out of my way!!!!

I've learned from others this is not an uncommon thing if you continue feeling this way though you should tell your dr so they can see if they can help you. 


Ooooh yeah, i know where your coming from. I'm constantly snapping and argueing with my family and work colleagues! I only noticed when my boss started to avoid me at work! My family & friends are fairly used to it by now. If i feel my blood starting to boil, over something stupid now i just walk away and get some fresh air, wait till i've calmed myself down.

It's all part and parcel of this miserable condition we suffer from i guess. It is a horrible way to feel though.

An old saying from my homeland " When wrathful words arise a closed mouth is soothing ". Wonder if whoever first wrote that suffered from RA?!!

Have faith, your definetly not alone.

You're not alone.  I'm going to the RD this week, and plan to talk to her about it.  Hopefully she can help.

Hang in there.


Thanks for your replies everyone.

Kristin_in_Ak - Yes, I am on prednisone. 5mg-10mg/day.

I am glad I am not the only one. I seem to be really grumpy when I am in pain & stiff along with not getting my sleep. But then there are times when I get sleep (8-12hrs) and I still am grumpy because of the pain & stiffness. And I really hate it when my fingers or toes get bumped against something thru the day that will trigger some of my grouchiness if I am OK that day, because the pain will shoot all the way up to my head, and if it happens to many times that day I get headaches.

Thanks Everyone!!


Please, please talk to your Drs about how out of control you are feeling. They can help you. I felt like meme and then some. I broke down and started sobbing

Its amazing how much better your whole outlook is when you're not in severe pain, sleeping at nite and emotionally you're on an even keel. Don't get me wrong, I still can snap at people when I'm flaring up, but now I realize what I'm doing and I explain that I'm tired and hurting and I apologize and take a time out or a nap. Some weeks I do more apologizing than others.

And I do still lash out at people that post here with their simple solutions to our complex illness.

I hope this will encourage you to seek help.


Things will get better for you. Tell your Dr. how you feel and don't leave out anything. Don't leave the office unless you get some kind of help. I don't remember if you have insurance yet or not, but if not, discuss the cost of treatment with her. No matter what your finances, some course of treatment can be worked out for you. Ask for samples, they are constantly being resupplied with free samples for their patients. Go with all the information you want her to know and any questions you have written down. Good luck and I hope everything goes well for you. Keep us informed will you.


I'm not presently taken predisone; but I think that would surely explain alot of your current problems. I still get moody and certainly grouchy...but predisone made me ANGRY, MEAN and MAD. I've taken something to "Calm my nerves" while on that in the past. That is the worst side effect for me while on predisone. I hate taking it...although at times I have to resprt to it just to get me back on my feet.

Defenately talk to your doctor...they can help you with this.


I have been in pain and grumpy too...especially by the time hubby comes home. I heard the barista at Starbucks tell a coworker the other day "Check yourself before you wreck yourself". (side note...that may also be a beastie boys song, lol) Anyhow, I am a therapist who, among other things, teaches anger management skills. I realized I was going to have to utilize some of my OWN methods before I upset my family further. I had to realize that no matter how miserable I feel, it's my CHOICE whether to lash out. I had to put a sock in it. My husband now knows that I don't like to talk a lot when I'm in pain. So, when he comes home, we don't chat much. It's fairly quiet until dinner when we finally get together and talk. I've also learned to retreat to bubble baths when I'm getting too cranky too. It works wonders. Love and healthy hugs to you all. FOLKS: Unfortunately this is something that comes with the package.  As others have stated here , if you have the feeling of depression and it is not going away, especially after a couple weeks then you need to see your dr, because you don't need to live like this.  Life is too precious to live being depressed.  xoxooxoxo to all.  meme

The one i didn't admit to yet is the panic attacks, but i gotta go see doc next week, they took bloods for aneamia and stuff so i gotta go discuss results and nurse asked me to talk to him then. Not gonna be easy though. and i not even got the meds excuse

Iam not completely depressed just in the first stages of it. I just cry when we get a bill reminder. But I think Iam like this not really because of depression, but because I am not back to my "old self" yet after having my son only been 7 months.

My snapping and grumpiness is from my pain & stiffness and people not understanding that if I could do something like they can i would do it.

Wow!! Nice to know I'm not nuts!!  I thought I was alone on this emotional rollercoaster but it looks like there's a whole party going on.  I'm up, I'm down, I'm laughing, I'm crying, I'm fine and then I'm pissed and argumentative.  Welcome to RA 101

Bless those who love us and put up with our moods.

Peace & Love...Neasy
