cortisone injection | Arthritis Information


went to the RT today.  mtx was increased to 8 per week. think that must be pretty close to max (?)  i will start my third month on this drug on 29th at the increased dose.  he also injected cortisone into the large knuckle first finger right hand.OUCH!!!!!

I've had RA for about 14 years and you know what?  I've never had a cortisone doctor has suggested them many times and I just say no..I'll be fine

I'm taking 25mg mtx (10 pills) and I believe my doctor said that that would be the most she would want me on.

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I hope it works for you this is a nasty process to go through. I hope everyone here can find there perfect drug mix. I know I still have a long was to go. I'm with Kelly a big baby,

My doctor is a big fan of them. He'll suggestion them real quick. I'll admit I've refused plenty because they are very painful.....but they work wonders if nessesary.

Star; I take 25mg of MTX a week also (10pills) but once I got to 8 pills my doctor added Humira because he didn't think anymore increases would help. Have they thought about adding a biologic yet? Humira has made a great difference. IN FACT; I've only had one shot of cortisone in the last year and a half since I've been on it....and that was the first month it was prescribed. It just needed a little time to start working.

I've had them all over. Knuckles - toes - ankles - the joint between my thumb & index finger. Sure, they hurt - but golly gee, Batman, they help in a way that nothing else does. And, I have found that not one of the joints that has been injected has ever flared as badly again. I don't mind shots, but I've actually begged for these. 

I've had 2cortisone shots in my left knee since March. The knee had to be drained first. In fact, it is swollen & hurting now. I've had the shots in my other knee years ago, before RA, & I loved the results. They do hurt, but oh the blessed relief. I wouldn't hesitate on taking the shots.


thanks for all the responses.  i have to agree with those of you who have had the injections.  this was the 5th; two in my r foot, two in my r knee which also had to be drained and this one in my r knuckle.  this was by far the most painful but you know what?  i'm sitting here tonight typing in relative comfort.  so for me it's really worth the pain.  the relief is just so awesome!  think i'm going to play golf tomorrow!  YES!  by the way, star is my best friend, 11 year old Lhasa. she always understands even when i have to cut the walks short.            

sleep well!

One of these days I'll have to give in and give them a try....oh who am I kidding...I never will...I'm too much of a baby