disability benefits | Arthritis Information


For the last 15 years I have worked seasonally.  Most of those years I would do things I love for the winter months such as my science program I have done for six years.  Anyway, my city job pays into PERS.  My other have fun employment pays into SS.  So I get my SS interview today.  My benefits will be around 0 a month.  Now I have only been paying into PERS for eight years.  You need five years to retire and I have four considering I only work for them six months of the year.  I may not be able to get PERS retirement.  I am devastated.  I don't know what to do.  I really honestly do not know if my ra body can take working full - time or be dependable part time.  I always made more money than my hubby and our spending habits show it.  Never financial problems because our incomes combined were good.  Now...........

As far as spending habits and budgets, you can really vary those.

Also, you are allowed, I believe, to make up to a certain amount of income and not lose your disability. Of course, you have to get it first. Once, you get it though, you can do some part time work that keeps you below the monthly limit. There is under the table stuff. I'm not comfortable with that one. You also can trade for things.

I also believe that rental income and some other kinds of non-working income are allowed. But you'd have to check that.

It sounds like you have a loving, supportive husband and that is half the battle.

You mentioned before about the possibility of moving some place where it is cheaper to live. I believe that is what a lot of people end up doing. CA is so high priced.

So, work on getting what benefits you can. If this is your path, it will fall into place. When I finally get it through my head what the right direction is to go in, then things usually work out magically. When I am going in the wrong direction, road blocks seem to be everywhere. I'm pretty sure God has something to do with that. It must be frustrating for Him because I am such a slow learner.

You can do this, Roxy. I know you can.

Roxy, I know what you mean about living a certain way--and making the most money.  That is the same situation we are in. And I never realized how much we spent on uneccesary things untill we have not had alot of extra money. It is hard. We live in an area where there are very affluent families. It is hard to keep up when you have kids. I would rather move than have my kids feel like they have less than their friends. I know that money isnt the most important thing in life and believe me, there are times when I wish we had a simpler lifestyle. But still, I dont want my kids to worry about whether or not they measure up. We can all say that it shouldnt matter, but the reality is that it does. It is just one more slap in the face that this disease delivers.  It changes your body, it can change your relationships, your career, your way of living...all of the things that we define ourselves by are suddenly mixed up and turned upside down. Now we define ourselves by our disease. Maybe we fight it...some days I feel like it overwhelms me, who I am. Once in a while, when I am lucky, I feel like someone else. Like someone I once was everyday.Roxy, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Have you talked with a union rep or retirement counselor at Pers? I just went through the process with STRS ( the high school equivelent of PERS) and found out I may be able to get credit for my part time years at PERS when I worked at a community college. In education you can buy years from other employment at other schools or sometimes occupations.That can make a difference in computing either your retirement benefit or disability benefit.  Also, look into disability retirement through PERS. It's totally separate from SS retirement.  It might be worth looking into.Thanks you guys.  I started working on the PERS application today and buying service credit.  Linda, I could use a counselor for all this.  I am going to send in the paperwork I have done but I think I need help through this maze.  OMG  it is exhausting. 


I just told employment i could work cause the lady said when i said no i couldn't get it and i told her i could work then lol. I worked 11 1/2 years repairing cars and no vacation either. Been working since 16 and now 48. Being alone is hard with ra but i still can get around as best i can .Roxy hope u do better then i did and get ssd fast. U  are in prayers   


alff38867.8379513889Any updates roxy? It really scares me to think I may
have to stop working some day too. But I have to
keep going as long as possible since I am alone
and there is no way I could live on disability where I
am now. All the more reason to (someday?) move
back to las vegas. Hang in there all of you!!

I understand the pressure.

Right now at age 33, husband is 31, we run our own series of websites and sell personalized party favors.  Anyway, we have no health insurance as the cost would be so very very high that it would be more for the fees than my doctors and meds each month.  It would only be worth it with hospital stays and even the  hospital here goes by your income, so we can make payments for years to come.  Anyway, insurance isn't worth it much now.

Sure we have the social security building up for him under his name (not mine) so he will do well at retirment.  But, I don't know what to do for me as I have nothing saved up etc.  No company with health insurance, no company with retirement pay etc.

It scares me a bunch.  Now that i have RA, several medical insurances out there won't accept me due to how bad i have this "pre existing condition".

God bless and i hope you find something to work for you.

I was so optimistic about SSDI but reading all of your stories - I am feeling discouraged.  I hope it is going to make a difference when they see how often I have gone to clinics, hospitals and doctors and I have been taken very seriously.  I was also told it would help that my work made me quit working.  I am also applying for my PERS.  Another retirement plan.  It will be easier I think but it is not much money.  When Brett gets home, we are going to see how we can make it without my income.  I have 00 left of short term disability and that is gone.  I can't collect unemployment.  It is all so scary but truth is, for me, it is accepting a lesser lifestyle.  Our two incomes, we have had it good - too bad we didn't save anything

Also, would having your daugher pay rent to you as part of her SSI, help make your ends meet?


I did find an insurance co that takes pre-existing after 6 months. If you're interested, I'll send you the info I got.

Listening to all of your stories is really frightening. Is this what we are in this country? We only take care of people when they're doing well, making lots of money - then we dump them by the side of the road when they're not?

Anyone who knows anything about RA knows how unpredictable we are. How can you hold a job when you don't know when you can work? Who would hire you for that? How many jobs let you take a 2 hr. nap in the middle of each workday? They're supposed to accommodate disabilities, but it's obvious they only accommodate the ones that matter to them, not that matter to the disabled.

Alff, I hope your disability comes in soon - and Roxy - if they don't approve you, it's just not right. It's so not right, I'm going to write a letter to my senators. They won't pay any attention, but it'll make ME feel better.

Deanna,  Yes, Kelsey's income would help and we would also hire someone to give me breaks from supervising her.  It seems like at least we should give it a try.  We figure we will find a place out in the country where she can't get into as much trouble (away from boys and men and drugs!)  I am suppose to meet with mental health soon, before hearing.  I have to NOT raise my voice, take notes, and stay calm.  When it comes to my daughter, that is the most challenging thing I have ever done.

Thanks Fiona.  We have to stay in the now.  I got a scolding from my hubby about getting all worked up before we even had a problem yet

For all of you over 55, however, here's a piece of news that might help. If you had a physical job before and are not already trained for a sedantary job, then you have a much higher chance of getting approved.

I see all kinds of people in my line of work that are on some kind of diability or other assistance. I dont know how they do it. How do they get it? I mean these people are not even sick, there is nothing wrong with them. I think that there are people out there that know how to scam the system and for the honost folks like us, well we are the ones that get treated like we are up to no good. It makes me so mad to see people taking advantage of the system. They make it damn near impossible for everyone else to get any real help!

I have been told that the older you are the easier it is to get SS and the fewer types of jobs and skills that you have the better.  What the heck is up with that?  You work hard all your life and try to improve yourself and family and then when you get sick they say, you have done this and that and you can do it now.  Who the heck do these people think they are?  I would liek to tell them to come and walk (if you can even walk) in my shoes!!

Sorry, this SSD is a major BOIL ON MY BUTT!!!!

Yes SSDI has me worried but the post that stands out is the tummy tuck and boob lift.  Now my mind is racing, hmmmmmmmm, I could get around a lot better if I didn't have this spare tire and droopy boobs.  It gives me PIB and I need at least a tummy tuck.  HMMMMMM  I am chronically depressed because of my stomach I NEED A TUMMY TUCK  It IS because of prednisone so it only makes sense I get a tummy tuck.  My head will be going round and round on this one all day.  Hey, If I can get a free tummy tuck - you guys can talk about me til the cows come home and I will still smile every time I can button my pants
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