anemia | Arthritis Information


For women with anemia, i have a question.

I was told by my doctor that i have it and that is why i get tired, but why is it that during my menstral cycle, I am not tired but am "before" it starts for over a week?

It just doesn't make sense to me, i would think i would be worse off at this time.

First, you can get anemia from RA that supposedly is hard to treat. I have it and my doctor hasn't said anything about what to do about it. Different web sites seem to say various things. I would like to know if anyone is being treated for it in connection to their RA.

I know that I used to get very tired before my periods, but I always thought that was from my blood sugar dropping during that time.


I have severe fatigue and pain before my periods and during.  I have been to the ER a few times because I can't handle the pain.  I have had two children with no drugs and would rather give birth than have a period anymore.  I have been tested for anemia many, many, many times and it always comes back negative, even though I bleed very heavy.  I am on some meds now that totally stop my periods until I have my hysterectomy in July.  I'm not sure what to do about the anemia, other than increase iron.  I know that after I start my period, I crave red meat, which is high in iron... I can eat two steaks a day!!!   

Do you have endometriosis? I had that, my daugther, my sister and my niece. Did they ever do a laproscopy?

If you're having a hysterectomy in July -- why the wait?-- it will certainly fix that. I was 100% better health after mine.

Do you take an iron supplement?

For the pain, they should be able to work to put you on something to stop the periods until your hysterectomy. Luprin and Deporva shots will stop them completely.

Why are they making you suffer like this?

My doctor wants to put me on a med that stops the periods but have them 4 times a year.  But the side effect % is actually worse for damage on kidneys than any of the drugs i take for RA, which also surprises me that many women i have met complain about methotrexate hurting their liver but they live on birth control which is worse on the body in the long run than meth.

I am afraid of adding that medication because I know the kidney can't repair itself if it goes bad unlike the liver which can if it goes bad with methotrexate etc.

Plus, i can't trust myself to take the pill every single day.

Is the same thing true with the shots because you only have to have one each month? My daugther's pain has been so bad and the endometriosis so aggressive it has been the only thing that has kept her from having a hysterectomy. Since she still wants to have children, and has had three laproscopies, it seemed like the only choice for her. But right now, she's not on anything. However, she never did start her periods again. She is going back to the doctor this week.

But I can certainly understand your concerns. I did not know that they were that damaging on kidneys.

Deanna, My OB is a great dr.  He has prescribed for me Megace, which stops my periods until I have surgery.  He told me I don't need to be suffering like this anymore.  I dont have endometriosis, fibroids or anything. Just real bad painful periods!  I've had ultrasounds, tests, laproscopies, you name I've had it!  My MD wanted to put me on the pill, but I told her NO, I'm 40 and I smoke, what was she thinking????   

I had polyps removed this past December and that wasn't easy.  I had test after test after test with their machines and they couldn't find anything wrong so they finally decided to have an exploring surgery.  They found hidden up and to the side a bunch of polyps in my uterus.  I was having the most horrible menstral cycles that were worse than normal and lasting 9 days long etc. for me it was long cuz i was a 2-4day menstral cycle woman.

Anyway, my whole life menstral cycles kept me from working, school etc. cuz they were so bad.  I used to down ibuprofen like they were candy during this time of the month because they were so bad.  It used to make me scream out loud etc.

Lately since RA has come, they have been getting worse like they used to be.  For about 10 years after my kid was born, i was in a remission, no arthritis pain in knees feet or back it was WONDERFUL, but it's alllllllll back and more.

I'm 33 now, one child (was actually going to have more but put it off, was going to do it this year but came down with RA), and very lucky i had her cuz i have had trouble getting pregnant for some reason.  She is 12 now and he was conceived after the only 7 day period i had for years, i guess i was meant to have her :)

Anyway, My uterus for now is clear, but they doc said they can grow back and usually do within a couple years.  I begged them to take my uterus out during surgery but they wouldn't.

My whole life my menstral cycles have been a curse.  I understand the whole adam and eve thing which is why i have this curse, but it is soooo horrible, i hope i have fulfilled this "test" in my life :)

So, I might try the pills, but more pills that cause health problems scares me.

 Iam horrible the week before my period exhusted and very moody. When Iam on it Iam very happy and not all that exhausted anymore. So I dont know Ive have anemia many times. I was put on birth control when I was twelve because of  a thing on my ovaries. I eventually went off of them on my own because my mother was on them for years and she has had many clots in her legs which I think is from that. She had hoorible periods she would be hospitalized because of th eloss of blood.

You are right phxgirl1.  I found this on a website today:


This is why they scare me.

This is why I have ttwo children. I won't take any of that stuff. I got my tubes tied with the last child.