Possible RA diagnosis | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

And welcome to the forum :)

Hi and thanks for responding so quickly to my post.  My husband's insurance doesn't start for 90 days and if I go to someone before that I am afraid they will say it is a pre-existing condition and it won't be covered with his new insurance.  My doctor never even mentioned prednisone.  Just the other two meds that I said earlier.  I also have this very strange pain happening in my shoulder areas on both arms.  It feels like they are being ripped apart inside when I try to move my arms or pick up something.  This is right in the top shoulder area.  I have moved to the mountains in Georgia and I'm enjoying walking in the woods and on my property, but some of it is very steep and I am concerned that I might be causing damage to myself.  It does hurt, but I just don't want to stop living my life because of pain.  Thankks again for your support.Hi and welcome to the boards! I think that if you are going to wait for a doctors appt., you should keep taking the meds that the doctor gave you. I know exactly where you are coming from when you say they dont do much good. The truth is, if you have RA and it sounds like you do, stuff like that isnt going to work very well. But even if it only makes the tiniest fraction of a difference that is better than nothing. Rest when you can, dont push your self, dont over do it when you are feeling okay. Hot showers help and gentle stretching in the morning and at bedtime are good too. If you are having moderate to severe pain in a joint you should rest it, it can be damaging to to try to "work" through the pain. Go to the Arthritis Foundation website to find lots of info, and you can order their magazine Arthritis Today which is very good. Also there is a book called Arthritis for Dummies that is fantastic.

Hi Inky:  You've already established pre-existing with your regular MD. 

I hate to be the one to give you this news but you need to be prepared for this to happen.  How long is the pre existing clause with the new ins.  Most clauses are at least 6 months.  Some have a clause that allows a pre existing disease with no treatment  for a period of time.  Find out exactly how the pre exist clause reads and if you don't understand the wording then call the company for an explanation of pre exist clause.  This is the one area that most people get tangled up in and it can be very costly.  Also is this is a group plan (over 20 employees-I think) then pre exist clause is waived. Let me know what you find out. 

Just take it easy and each person is different when it comes to damage.  I'd talk more with your regular MD.  What did he say about the lab tests? Pos. or neg. or borderline? 

Hi Linda and Crunchy, thanks so much for sharing your information with me.  It's so nice just to have someone to talk to that knows what it's all about.  I feel better knowing that I really do need to rest instead of pushing myself.  I thought that perhaps it was working it out, but I guess that isn't really what's best.  I think you are probably correct Linda about the pre-existing situation.  I guess they will think it's just as bad having the blood test results and everything even without the doctor diagnosing RA.  My husband works for a company and perhaps the pre-existing would be waived, at least I hope so, because these tests can really be costly it seems and so is the medication.  I guess I could probably go ahead and schedule an appointment with a rheumatologist then.  The first initial visit is so expensive, and the tests too.  My insurance right now is the pits, that's why we were waiting also for my husband's.  thanks again, and I'll check out the Arthritis Foundation Website too Crunchy.  You all are the best! 

Hi Inky, You've been given good advice. Although you shouldn't push yourself, It's important to keep moving. You can do gentle stretches that will put your joints through their normal range of motion. That will keep your joints from freezing up. You can probably walk on flat ground and the exercise will do you good. Swimming, especially in warm water, or exercising in warm water is good and will make you sleep and feel better. Again, don't push it.  If it hurts, stop. Welcome.Most of those large group policies dont make you wait for coverage. My husband is switching jobs soon too and so much is at stake for me. I will be glad when it is all taken care of.

   H i Inky .  I'm also new to this board. I have a Drs. appt on Fri to get tested for R.A. ..Like you, i have symptoms of R.A., ,and i'm probably in the beginning stages. Also like you, I have been a little freaked out reading these posts. I'm glad you came on here and asked the questions that I was thinking. Reading these posts is kind of scary,but it's good to know that most of the people on here can still function and live normal lives. 


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