1st appointment | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone,

I am pretty new to the whole RA thing.  I started getting pains in my thumbs a few months ago and my fingers were stiff all of the time.  I have had lots of blood tests (all negative!) and an xray of my hands.  Now my hips and knees have been playing up too!  I can't sit through a film in the cinema as my knees start to burn from being in the same position.

Anyway, I have got an appointment to see a rheumatologist, as my doctor is convinced it's RA.  But I have to say I am pretty worried.  In a way I want the rheumatologist to say I don't have RA (that would be nice), but that means I don't know what is wrong with me.  I have read quite a few horror stories on here about these specialists so I am keep my (painful) fingers crossed he is a nice guy and doesn't just laugh at me.  I am even taking my mum with me as my husband is away and I don't want to go on my own (pathetic I know).  Did anyone else feel like this?

Wish me luck for tomorrow, whatever the outcome.


You are not pathetic at all.  You sound very sensible.  Along with Mom, do take a list of questions you may have - and don't let any of us scare you.  Though these diseases are difficult, we all manage to muddle through somehow -- sometimes we have good days and sometimes we have bad.

The bad days are a whole lot easier to talk about with other members with the like disease because the "normals" never understand our special challenges.

I do hope your rheumatologist is the best and can find something to help you with your pain.



I can really relate to you. I was just recently diagnosed with RA. Welcome to the board and let us know how it goes. Love, Juliah

Welcome Niki,

You're not pathetic at all.  I wish there was someone to go with me to my appointment.  I just hate going alone. 

Try not to worry until you've spoken with the rheumy.  Take care, and keep us posted.


Hi Nikihh and welcome to the board.  Good luck at the Rheumatologist and keep us updated.  None of us here think you are pathetic at all.  I wish someone would have been with me at my first appointment as the news of being diagnosed is very overwhelming.  You will be in our thoughts & remember, we are here for you.

Peace & Love...Neasy

What you talking about pathetic? Man, if my mom lived closer to me and not 20 mins away, I would take her to all of my doctor appointments RA or non RA appointments. I like taking my mommy with me she asks questions that I did not think of.

I make hubby go with me to all of my appointments...lol. So, sometimes I have my mommy and my hubby with me...lol...now that is pathetic...lol.

But actually another reason why hubby has to come with me is because he drives me, I do not have a driver's license and do not know how to drive, well I do know how to drive just do not trust other drivers on the road...lol.

Nikihh, your symptoms sound just like mine did in the beginning.  Don't be afraid, with all of the treatments that are available, there's a very good chance that you can have some degree of control over your symptoms.  It's not like it was when my grandmother had RA and was completely crippled.  Today it's rare to see someone with extreme joint deformities.  Keep a good, positive attitude.  Your doc should be very gentle and explain what's going on and what options you have.  Don't be afraid to ask questions and change doctors if you feel that you aren't getting the right treatment.  You are very lucky to have someone go with you to your appointment, and let them ask questions, too!  Yes, it's a scary thing to learn that you may have a condition that you will have to cope with for the rest of your life, but some of us have also felt a relief in having a name for their symptoms and a plan for treatment.  Good luck!


You and your back-up

Good luck, Niki


Not sure it was a very successful visit though.  He wasn't entirely sure I had RA though he was worried that my white cell count was quite low.  Apparently I have joint hypermobility as well which complicates things.  So now I have to see a physiotherapist and go back and see the rheumatologist in four months! 

I feel quite sore today as well, having bee stretched and poked all over the place yesterday.  And all I have is anti-inflammatories and paracetemol (allergic to ibuprofen).

Oh well.  We'll see how it goes in four months time.

Thanks again for all your maessages.



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