ESTER | Arthritis Information


I just read a message from Lovie ( i think ) Thanks Lovie for telling us what Ester said.
I cannot believe this woman said we have this disease because of some kind of self hate!!! I just started coming back to this board--it has been a while and I have always loved it. Everyone is so nice and very very helpful--but OH MY GOD--what is wrong with this woman??? Please Ester if your out there---go somewhere else. You are a very unkind and a VERY uneducated person. I cannot believe you actually have clients!!

Its one thing to offer your advice or even a little insight of other alternative methods of relief. I certainly appreciate things of that sort--like I stated in my earlier post--I have tried acupuncture with some decent results---but to INSULT US!!!???? Where do you get off---apparently you have nothing better do!!
This website is for people to help each other out--not act better than everyone else.
Don't you have something better to do??
I was trying to keep an open mind when I read your first message but now I have seen the truth about you.
And now you are just making people really mad and upset.

I think I speak for a great number of people that come here---GO AWAY!!



I can't find the original post.. could you direct me to Lovie's post?



Look under "Ever feel like your doing something wrong" go to page four. My post was actually in response to a PM that this Esther sent Cris. Read all of it to understand what was going on.


Thank you so much... I found it just after I posted..Maybe I shoulda read beforre I opened my "mouth"

And to Esther, I don't hate myself, or really anyone...but you could be the first if you keep pushing it.

I agree Kathy. She went way too far and will quickly find out that there's folks here that will not like what she's saying one bit!!

I love myself. I have a great deal of self respect and self confidence and take offense to her implying that I have self inflicted this disease on myself with self hate.

The nerve!!

Only trouble is, people like her do me serious damage with comments about self inflicting, i have a very low self esteem am struggling with the will to carry on, hate my life and the part of my brain that knows i didn't do this to myself pales into insignificance against the bit that says maybe she's right

Girlfriend that's the depression talking and that is very common with this sort of illness. Don't let people like that make things worse for you. They have medication that can help you. She's full of crap; and this is exactly why her statement makes me so angry!! Esther this is why we have no use for people like you here. STAY AWAY!!! We all come here for support; and your statements are not supportive.

Tori we love you. Don't do this to yourself. You are not to blame for your illness.

Lovie38489.5424537037I'm trying not to, but it isn't easy, my brain just seems to pick up the bad stuff all the time at the moment, i would just like to have one day, pain free, happy, with my son, do anything or nothing, one day? is it too much to ask for?

OK, now I'm just plain pissed!  Not only did the B&#$@ send me a PM offering a free treatment, for crying out loud, but now she's really hurting people.  She's messed with Tori's head, and probably more who haven't spoken up.  Certainly this board has an administrator.  Is there any way we can gang up and have her banned from the board?  Of course, she'd probably be her sleazy self and just create a new identity.  I have so had it with her.

Now, Tori, now that I've vented, I feel so much better.  You should try it.  Direct your low self esteem at those who help it grow in you.  Like..uh...waddya think?...Esther maybe? 

Tori; Honey, you have had a really long week. Wasn't this past weekend the weekend of the Christening? You know all of that excitment; activity has really got to be wearing on you. Your body needs time to rest and regroup.

What kind of medication are you taking? I know I've heard before...but I can't remember.

I would love to hate some of the people who've hurt me and made me feel so useless, but i never have been able to hate people, it just doesn't work i always find excuses for themI take sulphasalazine, in the process of upping it to 6 a day. nothing else other than pain killers and supplementry stuff    oh and thyroxine

I hated taking those big old round pills!!

You're right...hating others (even when their mean like this Esther) only ends up hurting ourselves in the end.

Keep your sweet kind additude. Don't become cold and angry. Whens your next appointment with the RD? Didn't you go back last week to see the nurse? What did she say?

Tori, I didn't say hate Esther.  I said vent on her!  I'm telling you just writing it out, it makes you feel so much better.  It empowers you.  Go head...just type out..."she's an idiot, she's crazy."  Then click the Post Reply button.  It'll make you giggle.  Go on...if it doesn't make you giggle, it'll make us giggle, right Lovie?

And Lovie is right.  You've had a big week.  The worst flares of my RA have happend just before two special trips I was taking.  I believe excitment could equal stress.  Give yourself a break, girl.  Look at your son and let him make you smile just for the fact that he exists.

Esther is a crackpot intent on doing damage however she can.  Do not lsten to her comments.  Don't make excuses for her either....just ignore her.  Me, I like confrontation, only suffer from occasional self-esteem issues (that others have no effect on) so I ask for her comments to me.  But to make others who are dealing with enough on their plates right now is just ridiculous. 
 hugs, Wayney

Sara's right will make you feel better;


Don't be so hard on yourself. I really feel like you just need some rest at this point. Even when we have wonderful things going on like you had this weekend with the baby sometimes we just get worn down. Keep your chin up Sweetie. I'm leaving the office for the afternoon...but I'll be looking for you tomorrow. I don't like to hear any of you so upset.

Hey Tori, these folks are right. Dont let a crackpot like Esther get you down. Esther probably spent her childhood crouched over anthills with a magnifying glass, now she's moved on to tormenting people instead.

Be strong, dont let people like her get to you. I noticed from one of your posts that your on Thyroxine. As i'm sure your aware, medically, having thyroid problems will only add to the exaustion and stress. You've got people around you that care about you, so take strength from that.

And Esther, if your reading this, Cen chuid de "nil" nach dtuigeann tu?-What part of "no" dont you understand?


ESter does not know what she is talking about please don't take what she says to heart.  She is one of those know it alls who think she has the cure to everything.  SWEETIE WE ARE IN YOUR CORNER!!!!  WE ARE HERE FOR YOU AND PLEASE PLEASE KNOW YOU ARE VERY SPECIAL TO US!!!!!  XOXOXOX meme


Everyone is right!  Don't listen to Ester. She has made me so angry with her "reasons for autoimmunity".  I responded to her pm she sent me, and I let her know EXACTLY how I felt about her and her methods, reasons, etc.  She's constantly contradicting herself.  Her only purpose is to make money.  Notice she's offered everyone a free first visit?  What, does she think we all live in the same area???  I even asked her if she'd pay my expenses for me to come to her.

Tori, DON'T LISTEN TO HER!  What you're going through is normal, and you've done NOTHING to yourself, you've done NOTHING to bring on this disease!  Listen to those of us here who truly care about you.  Listen to those who KNOW what they're talking about.  Esther doesn't even know what planet she's on!!



IS ESTER SMOKING CRACK!!!! Get off the board you insensitive, ingnorant poor excuse for a human being!!! 

"1) the person hates themselves, and the body reflects that. The specific nature of the autoimmune attack is reflective of the person's specific criticism of themselves."  ***MY ASS***

I for one am a VERY spiritual person coming from an in depth background of holistic methods, meditation ect.... and NOT ONE person that is truley spiritual would ever let BULLsh*t like that come out of their mouth or off their fingertips in writing.  Poor, Poor excuse for a spiritual being or human being for that matter!!!  I am absolutely livid at that UGLY post!!!   Girl you need to have a GOOD LONG CHAT WITH YOUR GUIDES CUZ YOU'RE ON THE WRONG TRACK!!!  Go read tarot cards because healing is certainly not your path!!!

Sorry if I offended anyone with my cursing...I'm just so livid I could spit flames.

I can't even Peace & Love this one.....Neasy






                           ESTER WHO???? 


Now THAT's funny!!



OH MY GOSH!  I sooo needed that Pam!  Thanks for the belly laughs!!



Tori...everyone is so right!!!!  There are so many people that are here for you.  I have read all about the stuff that Esther said...and she is so full of it!!  We all love you!  We all know what you are going through.  We have all experienced some sort of depression at one time or another.  It is powerful!  Pull your strength from everyone else here....not little Ms Esther.

Get some rest! 

{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{big hug to ya}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Pam you are Hilarious!!


Good Morning all,

I glad to have hit some funny bones.  Ester is one pill we don't haveto take

Hope you guys have a good day,


Hi all, sorry i just disappeared last night, well i guess it was daytime to most of you, but i was so upset and exhausted i went and crashed out. only woke twice in the night too! bonus!!

Thank you all sooooo much for being there for me, i can't tell you how much it means, although i'm sure you know.  and pam, thank you for making me laugh.

I'll keep trying  huge hugs for all

I thought about you so much last night...I'm glad to hear from you today. You hang in there girl.


I started the original post, and I also posted Esther's response.  Now I posted her second response.  This woman is unbelievable.