Newbie here ... just want to share | Arthritis Information


I am 34 and just had lab tests done which came back with a rheumatoid factor of 408.   My symptoms came on pretty quickly -- they started perhaps 1.5 months ago and are now so bad that I have trouble getting on and off the toilet, any seated position, and in and out of cars.   FYI: I had a strange rash prior to the onset of symptoms; my online research indicates that it may have been parvovirus. 

I am only getting about five hours of sleep because of the pain.   When I wake up it is very difficult to get out of bed.  Every day is pain, fatigue, and crying.    I am on a prescription anti-inflammatory but it isn't helping very much.

Anyway, I am sure you all know the symptoms -- but for me this is still a shock.   I was a dancer/athlete growing up and to lose control of my body is just blowing my mind.   I am waiting to get in to see a rheumatologist ... just another week or so to go.  

I am crying, depressed, and very sad.   This is especially so because my boyfriend and I are starting a new phase of our life about which we are so excited ... moving, starting a new job, buying our first home, and getting engaged.

We are in the midst of a big move and closing on a house but I can barely even walk.   It is very frustrating.   I have so much to do but I cannot do much of it physically or mentally.   Moreover, my profession is extremely demanding and I am very scared that this (if it is R.A.) will slow me down considerably.   I am at the phase in my career where I should be pulling out all the stops to get to the next level ... and now this health crisis arrives suddenly.

Just wanted to share.
Micolita, thank you for sharing and welcome!!  Share as often as you wish, this is a wonderful support system.  Once you get to see the Rheumy, hopefully they can start you on some meds to help you feel better!  *hugs*

Hi and welcome, Micolita

I'm so sorry you're going through this...we all know how hard this can be.  I hope you get some answers at your upcoming appointment.  I just wanted to let you know, it does get better once you're on the right combination of just takes some time unfortunately. 

Congratulations on the house, job and your engagement. much going on for you right now.

Keep posting and good luck with your app't.  Let us know how it goes.



I can very much sympathize with you.  I too was a performer until my RA not only affected my dancing abilities but my voice as well.  I am a customer service trainer for a wireless company and am on my feet all day most days.  Hopefully your doctor will be aggressive with your treatment to get things under control for you. I know it may seem very dark right now but it will get better.  If you have a supportive family(and fiance of course!!), keep them in the loop to have the best support system you can.  Also, don't forget about the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need a different chair or keyboard for work, don't be afraid to ask for it--it really isn't a bad thing. Keep doing as much physical activity as you can but keep it moderate--exhaustion doesn't help but the activity will help keep your muscles and joints working and supported.  That was my mistake and now I am trying to get back what I lost. 

You are in good company here.  You will ALWAYS find support here so make sure to save it to your favorites! Good luck with the move and your new life!!! Micolta,  You sound like me when I had the RA first attack.  My first onset was like yours, like being hit by a truck.  My shoulders, then hips, then knees and then hospital.  I was on disability for one year went back to work one week and I am back on disability Thank you all for your words of support. 
Fortunately I also have very supportive family and friends.

Last night was my worst night yet.   I realized (from research and from practical experience) that it is best to keep moving to keep my joints from locking up; I unfortunately made the mistake of overdoing it with packing, etc.   I justified this because it felt great to move around and not get "locked up" during the day.   After a couple of days of overdoing it, my body just kind of gave out last night.   It was the first time I have felt truly disabled; barely able to move in bed or get up from any position.  I was up half the night in severe pain.
Now I realize that I have to rest and that, while it is important to keep moving, I can't pretend things are as they were before.

I will keep posting and keep reading.   This board is great. have to find that balance.  When is your app't?My appointment is a week from today. Welcome Micolita.  Are you taking anything for the pain?  I also find that icing the joints help the inflammation and pain a bit.  My RA came on just as yours did....suddenly..about 2 weeks before Christmas.  I hope you like your rheumatologist and you are able to find a good treatment plan.Hi Micolita and welcome. I agree with those before me who said things will get better. It takes time to figure out a diagnosis and try out different prescription options. It took 8 years for me to get diagnosed and the last two years before the diagnosis I became less and less able to function. I could not get in a comfortable position anywhere, not even in bed. I am doing better now and have been able to keep working full time although next year I'm trying for half time.I am almost 60 so my situation is different. You need to move your joints but without putting stress on them. A good way to do that is in warm water where the water is bouyant and takes the weight off the joints. There are some arthritis exercise classes you might look into. Don't lift heavy boxes or do other weight bearing exercises until you get checked out.  You may end up doing dammage to your joints. This is a good place to get information and vent. Happy to have you on board.Hello and Welcome, you do have a lot of positive things going on in your life and that can be your outlet while you are waiting for a dx/treatment. You should look into the Lyme disease thing too. It is always worth looking at the options. There are many illnesses out there that are misdiagnosed and Lyme ds. is one of them. Good luck girl!Welcome Micolita!! I so feel for you. Your description
of your onset and pain sounds exactly like mine. I
was diagnosed about 1 year ago, and am now
starting to get relief with the meds and treatments. I
know you will too, so hang in there, and come back
oftern. The people and info here are lifesavers.
