Ultram for pain | Arthritis Information


Has anyone tried Ultram (Tramodol) for pain?  I asked my rheumy to prescribe it for me after I tried a pill my neighbor uses for headaches.  My low back has been killing me from RA.  I tried 50 mg of Ultram and it helped some as well as other pain in my body.  I think 100 mg will do the trick though and might try that today.  What are your experiences with Ultram, if any?


I take it daily.

Originally it was prescripted 2 pills 4 times a day (before mtx etc. when it was the only drug along with prednisone).

Now i take 1.5 pills twice a day, the pills are 50mg. (i am trying to), i was taking 2 pills twice a day (11am, 11pm) and it was perfect for helping.

I tried other big pain killers but they didn't work for me.  I do get sleepy sometimes, but I do ok.

I prefer 100mg through the night, it works just right until morning.  I hurt a bit today (trying the pill and a half) but i took mtx last night and that always swells me up, I think i have an allergy to it.

Anyway, i like ultram it's my best little friend :)

I've been taking Tramodol since September. My doctor prescribed it due to my back problems....as well as other RA related pain. I like it alot; but only take it when I don't have to work, drive....or be at my best. Makes me pretty tired; which is fine once I get home from work.

I'm not sure what mg my dose it. I'll have to check that to see.

Good Luck.

I liked Ultram too but be careful.  You cannot take it with a lot of anti depressants.  They had to take me off of it because I take prozac.  I'm not currently on any Anti-Depressants; but that's definately good to know Rox. Thanks for sharing that. I'd never heard that before.I'm on tramadol... two pills (50mg) twice a day.  I used to do more, but cut it down to that.  I can't go any lower, I've tried.  Try to find the lowest amount that works for you- the less meds the better!  (and since I'm already doing infusions... methotrexate... folic acid... omeprazole... prednisone... etc etc etc you get the picture)I take Ultracet, which is Tramadol and Tylenol. I believe that they are 37.5mg/325mg. I take 2 four times a day. They do make me dizzy. When I have to drive or work I take one with my Salsalate and it will at least take the edge off without making me dizzy.I take Tylenol 4 for pain, it works well unless I am having a really bad flare with spasms. Then nothing works, not even Vicodin. I basically just take enough stuff to knock myself out. I also take Flexeril for the muscle cramps that I seem to have almost constantly.I take Ultram and thought it wasn't doing much...until I went for a couple days without it!  Then I realized it definitely helps.  I take 50mg every 4-6 hours as needed.  Doctor said I can go up to 100mg at bedtime because I would wake up in pain every night.  I try to take the least amount possible, but it definitely helps when I do take it.Is Ultram a narcotic or another type of anti-inflamatory or a mix of both?

It's a pain medication but i'ts non-narcotic. Am I right guys?

It's not an anti-inflamatory.

Ultram is non-narcotic in that it is not an opiate derivative, though it works by acting on the opiate receptors in the brain.  When it first came out it was touted as the great drug alternative for addicts...until they found out that it too can be addictive. 

I think the reason they cautioned about the antidepressants is that many of them lower your threshold for seizure activity and Ultram can produce seizures, though for most this only happens with higher doses (>400mg/day) (it CAN happen with a single dose, though). 

My mother-in-law takes it for her OA and finds it very effective.  That is probably part of the reason you see it offered so often, that and the fact that there is still a misunderstanding about its addiction potential so many docs think they are doing the "safer" thing by prescribing it (also you can order refills on it which you can't with narcotics). 

But for most people it is a good, safe, effective pain med.  I just thought I'd offer as much knowledge as I have about the drug.  I am a recovering addict and have been clean for some time but I got myself into plenty of trouble at one time with Ultram including seizures. So for some it is not a benign drug choice.

Take care

That's good to share Jeanne. Welcome to AI.

I and others here as well do worry about that at times with too much pain medication useage. We...or should I say I welcome your input into that aspect of living with chronic illness.

When you were at your worst; At what point would you have described yourself as "addicted" how much were you taking on a daily....or weekly basis?


Lovie38867.7162268519Can't take it. It makes me wired. Not just hyper but crazy wired. I can't
take any painkillers without that happening. Had Morphine after surgery
and was up for two days straight in the hospital. HYPER HYPER HYPER!!!

BeckyHi Lovie,

I was an addict who wasn't currently using but not truly in recovery either or I wouldn't have gotten into trouble with it in the first place before I began taking Ultram.  10-15/day was pretty average for me.

Today, I will have to be dying before I take ANYTHING for pain except antiinflammatories.  Right after I was diagnosed there were several months when I would have loved to be more comfortable than I was, but taking a narcotic is simply not a choice for me today.  I have worked too hard to get where I am.  So it would have to be exceptional circumstances for me to take anything, like surgery or some such thing.

I am quite open about this if it can helps someone else so feel free to ask any questions.  And thanks for the welcome.  I have been reading for quite awhile but just recently jumped in to post.

Doctors can order refills on narcotics.About a month ago my rheumy put me on 20mg. mtx a week. Wanted something for the pain that wasn't a narcotic but stronger than nsaids, because they weren't working. My prescription is for up to 6 tablets(300mg) a day. However, I've never taken more than four a day and about ten days after beginning the mtx I reduced to 2 tablets a day and I'm totally pain-free. Also, take 3000mg. of fish oil a day.

Jeanneb~Congratulations on your success. I can only imagine the stuggles you've had to face. I take them regularlly but never in a dose nearly that high. I was just curious at what point it would be considered a problem.

I like them and like the relaxed; comfortable way I feel but I go all day long with only Advil if I'm in pain. I can't take any kind of prescription pain medication while I work and am too worried to drive while on them also. I actually feel like i'd be fine to drive; but certainly would feel horrible if I was the cause of an accident while taking medications that warn against driving. I only take them at night or on weekends when my husband is home to drive us somewhere if need be. They actually make me a little dazed so I prefer not to take them and go anywhere unless I have to.

Glad you've begun to post. You've got experience that we can all learn from. I'm sure it's not easy to share some of those things....but we're all in situations where it could easily be us if we don't make an effort to stop it. Thanks for sharing.

My RD put me on Ultram ER, extended release tab. 100 mg.  1 every 24 hours as needed.  It's been great for my pain.  I'm a little whoozy for a few hours after I take it but then it seems to level out.  Lasts the full 24 hours and to date is the best med. that I've found for pain.

I usually take it on the days that I exercise, so that I can exercise!!! 

The only pain killer I take is 5mg Vicodin.  I really like them, but that scares me because I know if I was in a flare I would probably take loads of them.  I try to not take them very often.  I am afraid of addiction, but I feel "safe" knowing I have them.  It is sort of like a savings account, if I get pain, I know I can take one and still function and get through the day.
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