But my butt | Arthritis Information


This is driving me crazy.  I am so much better than I have ever been since I got ra BUTT my butt has only gotten worse.  It is not from sitting on it, as I avoid that, I use a recliner to take pressure off  of it.  When I talk to both my doctors they ignore me when I bring up butt pain.  I swear to God, my butt (sit bones) just throb all day long.  They hurt so bad sometimes I cannot focus.  I have had a lot of hip pain  with ra which is better with Enbrel but my Butt.  It ALWAYS hurts.  I guess there are no joints there - any guesses why in the world I have this pain.  I swear - if it would go away - I would feel good.  Anyone else have butt pain?  I am so tired of doctors ignoring every time I bring it up because it is so distracting and it feels like it is deep in the bones

Lately, the methotrexate has been working more on me so what happens?  I get butt pain a TON!

I am sitting on a blanket on my office chair, last night i took a break for the internet to sit in my recliner cuz it took pressure off.

My pain is right under the toosh, right where you sit on it, is that your pain?

kelstev you are so right about the shoulder  that's where mine hurts. crunchy is 100 percent right about getting tough with doctors wish i could be better at it. hey!  my butt hurts too!! like deep inside-in the 'pelvic girdle' area--as if my hip joints rub against the pelvic bones of something.  but i walk for exercise, and sometimes bike ride.  my butt aches either way though--whether i'm lazy or active.Do you have fibromyalgia too? It can cause a lot of muscle pain and one place designated a pressure point is the top part of the butt, around the dimple area. I used to have a lot more pain there until I'd ben on the heavy duty RA meds for a while.

LOL I get those butt pains too .Its from my hips and sometimes driving is very hard to do, makes u want to lift out of seat lol . Its just another part of ra we get. Sometimes laying on side helps me at home. don't be the butt of all jokes here either and have a nice day


So we are agreed. We are all pains in the butt. Hey, maybe that's really the source of all of this. It started in our butts. We just didn't realize it because we were out grabbing other butts. But I guess we grabbed one butt too many and now we have permanent butt ache.

Yeah, I'm on vicodine. But at least my butt don't hurt.

So, after reading all the posts, I see that my butt problems are not butt-head problems.



I can identify with kelstev as to being " a pain in the butt ". My rheumy said that the RA was affecting my sacroiliac joints. I began taking mtx just a little less than a month ago and the butt pain was gone within a week. Incredible for the butt pain wasn't intolerable but pretty close to being intolerable. The addition of 20mg. mtx. a week is my miracle. Hey there-it must be butt month I have been
having lots of pain )in the butt) and on the side of my
hips. I keep thinking it is from sleeping on that area
too much, but beginning to wonder. It's really getting
on my nerves.   

I have burning and pain in hips too, mostly the right one.  Can't sleep on it at all and have to sleep with pillow between my knees.


Strange, I'm pretty sure in the orientation meeting that we all had on RA, that nothing was mentioned about "PIB syndrome." But PIB seems to be a fairly common occurrance after all, gauging from the postings here. 

Do you think that the Arthritis Today or the National Insitute of Health would add PIB as a possible development in RA? I'm pretty sure they are not going to add it to all those all those wonderful, repetitive ADAM explanations on the Internet that make RA sound like a simple disease. 

I think we should ask our doctors about PIB syndrome the next time we go in. Currently, I have not fell victim to PIB syndrome. I belief because the cure for this is to be the biggest PAIN IN THE BUTT one can be. But I could be wrong. But I do feel for all your glorious butts and truly wish it was the END of your pain.

See, I working on being a PIB even now.

I love you guys!

I am just so happy my PIB has been validated !!!!!  I am bringing this to the doctor.  Ask your doctors about your PIB for me and see if you can get a response

Actually, I had so many other questions for him before that, and he was so engrossed in answering those questions. So I guess for me it isn't a big deal. ( only when it hurts). 


lol! I don't know what is wrong with me, but I find myself laughing so much tonight while reading the posts. First seeing Kelstev's new aviator, and now this posting.... though, I know PIB (love the new name for it) is no laughing matter. I have the same thing every now and then. I think it is my right hip that is givig me trouble. They say pain can travel, so why not have the pain in the butt? RA seems to have so many things attached to it. Fibro, Restless Leg Syndrom, now PIB. Where does it end? (excuse the pun).

Lots of fun has been had with the "Butt" question. Thanks to roxy, I have had lots of laughs.  



I wonder if PIB is more common in those with SLBs (skinny little butts)?  Maybe I dont have PIB because of the cushioning in that area, also known as a BB. I'll let you guess what that one is!

I love it!!!

I definitely dont have a SLB so having a BB isn't helping my PIB!!

Well that blows that theory out of the water. So, I guess I'm back to having no excuse for my BB. At least I have a good cushion to sit on. But I do feel for everyone with PIB Syndrome.

I know! I know! The cure is KMB!!!! You need to practice it everyday and your PIB will magically disappear. If not, your attitude will be so much better that you will no longer care about your PIB because you have passed it on to others, becoming their PIB.

A little clarifications on the instructions for this medical breakthough. You must tell others, those really annoying, don't get it people to "KMB."


I am going to water exercise even if it KMB today.  I have a SLB BUTT I have a BFB.  Maybe the weight on top of my SLB is giving me PIB.  I don't know, all the doctos can KMB. 

Just wondering.

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