question about mtx | Arthritis Information


 this question is for my friend she has sever RA all her joints have been replaced. She has had RA for over 20 years two of the meds she takes is mtx and embrel . The question is she has been short of breath for about two weeks her RD has order all the test and everything has come back fine we thought maybe it might be mtx or enbrel has anyone had problems with this. She would come in and type her self but its to hard for her so she ask me to do it for her.  I know that mtx can cause problems with lungs  but not sure about enbrel. Thanks for your help.

Tell her we wish her well and if she's feeling up to it we'd love for her to join us. We've got a real neat group here.

RA itself can cause lung problems as well as methetrexate. I'm scheduled for a pulmonary function test in a few weeks due to shortness of breath and asthma that didn't show up previous to my Metetrexate and enbrel use.

I have sever RA also, one of the worst versions.  I too had short breath with "nothing" to find wrong.

It was inflammation around my heart.  I needed celebrex also to help with it as the naproxen and methotrexate alone were not helping.  Celebrex cut the shortness of breath, the odd beating (triple beats, long no beating etc.) and chest pains.

It might be that, tell her so she can ask about it.

God bless and i wish her well.
