Whoa! Gone too long-new boards | Arthritis Information


I reviewed these forums and posted in the past but this is all new.  I notice that there are replies to a post and "views".  I can't figure out what views are.  Any clarification from those of you in the know?

I'm not really sure what you mean. Can you clarify?

Welcome though. We're glad to have you with us...or should I say back with us?


Guess that was a little dense.  When you pick a subject or topic in the RA forum there are columns, among which are Starter, Replies, Views, Last Post.  Like this topic now has me as the Starter, 1 reply, 8 views.  My question was how can there be "views" as well as replies?  And, what is a view and can they be seen?  Thanks



Views are just a number of how many times the post has been looked at.   Boy what a dummy I am.  That never even occurred to me (obviously).  Thanks for the enlightenment.
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