Kelstev | Arthritis Information


I had to say something about your new aviator... It cracks me up every time I see it. I rememeber that show, though I didn't watch it every week when it was on, but I did watch it to see that actor doing that dance (the look on his face when he does it is priceless!). It is so funny! Thanks for the smile!

Carlton is hilarious!

Do you remember him when he was on Silver Spoons with Ricky Schroeder? You know he is actually a really good dancer.No, I didn't remember that. He is a good dancer and has a good voice too. He was the perfect contrast to Will Smith. Wonder what he is doing now.Yes, as funny as me made it, you could tell he was a very good dancer and when he sang... it was amazing! I often wonder what they are doing now. Probably theatre or something.