Workstation Evaluation | Arthritis Information


They finally did my long awaited workstation evaluation. It was very encouraging. The guy that did it really knew his stuff and he said that they will continue to work with me until it is done right. My boss is considering to get me a larger monitor (because of my sorry eyes).

Already my chair is much more comfortable. The darn thing has all these controls that I didn't know about. They adjusted everything.

This really gives me some hope that one, I can keep working at my present job awhile longer, two that my pain might decrease (oh, would I like that) and three, that I might not have to give up my addiction to computers.

I am so glad I pushed for this because, now three other people besides myself are realizing that their own workstations just might need adjustment. Maybe they will even do a special session for our whole group.

Just educating the masses and trying save my shoulder in the process.

I'm glad things are working out for you Deanna.  And the fact that you set a positive example for others? even better :)

The best thing about it is that they are doing it because I am working and I'm disabled. They are accomodating me.

Okay, the pain relief, if it comes, that would be the best part.

I'm so glad that you will be able to keep working for now, and I pray that you will be feeling much better. Oh yes, glad that you won't be needing "special help for your addiction" in the computer dept. lol I'm the same way when it comes to computers. I don't know what I would do without mine. Probably have a nervous breakdown and need that "special help Dr.. 

Take care



Oh Trisha,

You so have me pegged.

That is really great.  I think people act like anyone that asks, needs, or wants anything is a drama queen.  In all reality, there is nothing wrong with asking for what you need.  It will save them in the long run to make sure you can work in the best possible health and comfort rather than be forking out tons of money in worker's compensation when you sustain a longterm injury from bad work conditions.  It is really in the best interest in the health and happiness of everyone.  Good for you for demanding what you need and deserve. It is good that others are seeing a need for ergonomic work stations.  It takes some of the focus off of your demands. Now instead of your boss looking at it like they had to do this for you it is like it was just something that everyone needed. Better for you!!!