Pain Patch: | Arthritis Information


H! My Pain Managemant Dr. prescribed me pain patchs to help with the pain I am having on the side of my neck. Has anybody here had any luck in getting rid of the pain with the pain patches? I have bone spurs and degeneritive disks in my neck.. Thanks for your replys!!!I have heard of pain patches for people with chronic pain in my line of work.  I don't know a lot about them, other than the fact that they "sound" like they are pretty heavy narcotics -- from my limited knowledge of them.  Hopefully they work for you.  

I worked with pain managment Dr.'s. There's several different kinds and strengths. The stronger ones are for chronic pain and can be overdosed on (be extra careful with that kind). The milder ones are for short term use (ex. strained or pulled muscle). People swear by them.

My daughter-in-law fell down some steps and tristed her knee pretty bad. She used Lidoderm patches on & off for about 2 weeks. It helped her so much, she was ready to trade her hubby for the patches.

Maybe than can have you try the milder ones to start out and see if it gives you any relief. I think most of them are 12 hours on, 12 hours off.

Good luck, hope something helps you soon.

Yes I use them too. I have some nerve damage on one certain portion of my leg as a result of some old surgery that makes me absolutely crazy at times. They really do help. I've also used the same patches on my back, knees and hips during rough times.

Mine are by prescription only. Lidocane I think. Might be Lidoderm like dbmy said though...I can't remember. 

Mine you wear 12 hours and then keep them off 12 hours. I really can tell a difference. Give them a try. Can't hurt, right?

Good Luck.

Yep Lovie I got the same for my hands and I like them really well they are very good.  I have ra in the hands and the muscles of the hands.  I place a patch over those areas and they feel so much better.  I even wear them under my thumbsplints.  meme Hi! I picked the patches up the drug store today, they are Lidoderm patches. The directions say 12 hours on + 12 hours off. I called the Dr's office and the Dr. said to leave the patch for 24 hours at a time, seems like a long time to me. I will start the patches tomorrow. I will see what happens hope the patches work for me to...Paul52,
I use those patches all the time on my back. They work fairly well unless your pain is very intense--then you will probably need something stronger.
Let us know how you do.

Marcy Hi! I put the first patch on today, so far the patch hasn't helped. I wonder how long it will take before the lidoderm patches do work? Guess I will have to be patient...


    I work in a pharmacy and I also have used Lidoderm patches but they didn't help me at all, but everyone is different. We dispence them for shingles. Matter of fact alot of insurances won't cover them for anything but shingles. They help more for superficial nerve pain. There are also duragesic patches which are a narcotic. They come in different milligrams. They can be addictive so you would want to use them as the Dr tells you. They are not the same as lidoderm at all. You can cut lidoderm patches but you can not do that with duragesic. People have died because they put the patch in their mouth to get a deadly high. I hope this has helped. Good Luck Pat

HA! Seriously Pat, I hadnt heard of that one just never ceases to amaze me what people will do to get high. Crazy crazy stuff. Anyways I have worked with people who use the duragesic patches with alot of success. Arent there Fentanyl patches also?

I have heard of someone getting really sick after putting them in their mouth to get high. This particular person was stealing the patches from a parent (It was a young person) and the parent wasn't even aware it was happening. Luckily for this person they didn't die.

Pat; my experience has been pretty much what you've mentioned. They work really great on this nerve problem on my leg; but naot as well on other problems. They do help some....but not nearly as well.

Pat be patient they don't work overnight.  It does take some time for the effects of the patch to work on the pain. I noticed a differance within 2 weeks.  meme

  Fentanyl  patches are generic for duragesic. Some people will come in and ask for a particular brand of generic patches or narcotics. Most of these people know what works and what doesn't. Not all are addicts but you can tell who is and who isn't. I often think though to look at me you would never think I had an ache or pain so people may think I take vicodin cause I am dependent on it. Of course the people I work know different, so we have to be careful about judging people cause some of us don't look like we are in pain and we are. As the saying goes, Don't judge as you havn't walked in their shoes. Something like that. Pat

so the Duragesic is fentanyl....didnt know that. You are right about judging peoples pain. I know alot of people who abuse vicodin and I see alot of drug seekers at makes alot of doctors and nurses jaded to the people that come in and are in pain. But I know pain is very real and it cant always be measured by ones blood pressure or whether or not they are crying. You just have to take their word for it. I have gone to doctors in pain and been basically shown the door...but if I go in and mention casually that I am a nurse, it is a totoally different story. It isnt right, but that is the way it is.Addiction is a huge problem in America and it seems to only be getting worse.  Bottom line, there are two ways of obtaining drugs, legally and illegally and many addicts use BOTH methods.  In this area, the shift has been away from street drugs and towards pharmaceutical drugs. 

It is easy to be "jaded" on the subject, but that is if you look at the issue of addiction as being some sort of moral problem.  I think that people in the medical field SHOULD be the most compassionate and understanding that it is a disease.  But that is often not the case.

Not sure why telling the docs you are nurse should matter one iota, Crunchy.  There are plenty of addicted medical professionals.  It doesn't mean you are safer from it than the next person.  In fact, addiction in the health care field is an enormous problem.  If you don't know someone in your hospital who was caught diverting drugs or is in recovery from diverting drugs, then you must be walking around with blinders on.  It is everywhere.

I belonged to an online group of nurses in recovery for many years and there are a lot of us out there. Many successfully remaining in recovery and resuming their work as nurses.  I applaud each and every one of them.   Addicted like Dr. House? LOL! Loves his Vicadin. I have Vicadin but I only take it at night when I need it. I don't think it is that good of a pain killer. It is more like a traqulizer than a pain killer for me...