Ok, Roxy, you did it! | Arthritis Information


You finally got me in the bathing suit (which still fits -- there goes that excuse), into the pool.

You inspire me!

Are you doing the water exercise class too Deanna? I really need to do it too. I already sqeezed my butt into a swim suit last weekend when we went to the river. No one dropped dead from shock so I guess I didnt look too terrible.

No water classes. I spent 6 months in water therapy so I have all the toys and know a bunch of things to do.

The pool is just outside my back gate. It's great, like a private pool that I don't have to clean.

But oh, I hurt last night. I think that was more from getting in and out of the pool. I'm going to skip tonight and try again tomorrow. With any kind of physical therapy that seems to work best with me. Actually, they told me that the therapy (or fitness training) breaks down the muscles and that you need time to recover. I guess this holds for us and not those people who can work out every day.

There's a therapeutic pool too!


You won't regret it.  I PROMISE.  I do different exercises every other day.  Tues. and Thurs. are easy workouts and Mon. Wed. and Fri. are aerobic.   MWF are my favorite, I feel so good pushing myself.  Too bad I am down for the count right now.  I was going to try a water yoga class this morning. 

I am so proud of you



I wanted to private messenger you but it says you have too many messages. Is there anyone we can connect through regular email. If so, private message me with your email. Something's come up with Julie that I need advice on.

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