tens? pred paks? | Arthritis Information


  What are Tens and what are the prednisone paks that help you wean? Thanks 

PS Amy 11 attended a free amusement park gala last night courtesy of our Childrens Hospital Arthritus Dept. Its Calaway Park similar to Six Flags but not as large. When you see all the children Arthritus affects and how it cripples it wakes you up.There but for the grace of God go I. Boy those kids didn't let anything stop them/ they were put assisted onto rides that would make your hair curl. Smiles to fill a bucket. 

Sounds wonderful!

A TENS unit is a little device that has electrodes that you attach to muscle groups and it gives a little impulse or series of shocks. It works great.

Steroids are sometimes given in Dose Packs that are little punch out packs where the first dose is the highest and then as you go on each days dose is lower and lower.  It just makes it easy. You can do the same thing with a bottle of pills by just breaking then in 1/2 or even 1/4 tabs to taper down the dose. This is done with the steroids because generally as a rule it is not advisable to stop taking them abruptly due to a rebounding effect.

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