I miss my Bling!!! | Arthritis Information


Can anyone here still wear any of their rings?  I only have one left out of many that my wonderful husband has bought me over the years that I can wear.  My left ring finger used to be a 4 1/2 and now its a 7!!!  I especially miss my wedding rings.  I don't want to have to have them sized over and over again.  Does anyone know of anything a jeweler can do to make them adjustable or something?  Not that I want to draw that much attention to my hands.  I used to love them.  I had long thin fingers and great nails, now I have sausage fingers with a few gnarly looking knuckles.  All of my knuckles are always red.  My nails are full of ridges and grow all funky so I just keep them short now.  I should just go get fakes, but it would hurt too much.  Sorry this turned into a rant.  Been feeling sorry for myself the last few days.  No particular reason, just pissed off about how much my life has changed the last few years.  I had to have one of the guys open my pop for me today at work.  I HATE having to ask for help doing the stupidest things.

You have to rant. And wedding rings are special. Of course that is heart breaking. It's even worse that your hands have changed so much. I can truly understand that.

I'm sure there is something the jeweler can do. Maybe he can size it larger, add some more metal, and then put some kind of flexible sizer inside the ring. I bet they get that question all the time. Just think of all the people who gain weight, have OA in their hands, RA or just are getting older.

Might make you feel better to see if there is something you can do about, make you feel more in control of the situation.

If that doesn't work, can a jewelry designer rework into a necklace that you wear? That might be really lovely, unique and show your husband how really special he is to you still.

These are the kinds of things that make one weep.

I'm having the same problem with my rings. What rings fit me last year won't fit this year. I'm lucky that I can still wear my wedding ring on my finger.

This RA sure changes things.


Oh boy...thought I was th only one!  Rings are my favorite adornment and I only have 2 out of 50 or so rings that I can wear.  I had my wedding rings resized and they're starting to get tight.  My hands have changed more than any part of my body.  Like you I have sausage fingers, knuckles protruding in different directions, and puffy sacs on top of my hands.  I still get manicures because I want my nails to look nice. 

My hands, hair, and body shape were always my pride and now they all look like they belong to someone else..not me. I look in the mirror and I see another woman, who is she and where did she come from?  I'll just keep resizing my wedding rings until they can't do it anymore.  One of these days I may recognize that woman staring back at me.

I am down to only wearing my wedding band and engagment ring. When I feel soreness or any swelling coming on in the left hand, I take them off. That part of my finger is way smaller than the rest. I keep my nails pretty short, but I do shape them to reduce the appearance of the funky shape and I buff them to take out the ridges. I used to wear cute little toe rings and anklets during the summer, but now the anklets are bothersome and the toerings...forget it!

Nope, can't wear them or bracelets due to bad wrists and my husband just bought me diamond bracelet and a new ring for our anniversary and i can't wear any of them!!!!

Ok a good day i can wear the bracelet on my right arm so i will wear it to go out.

He bought me a nice gold chain that I asked for, for my birthday this month, so now i can put my wedding band on it and at least hang it around my neck :)

I haven't had my original weddding rings on in years. Several years ago I got so fustrated not having a wedding ring on so I ordered several sets in different sizes from QVC. They are very similar to my real set, but these are diamoninque (sp), fake diamonds, but they look really good. The most expensive one was 0.00 - the cheapest .00. I absolutly love them. Now I don't have to feel naked without my rings on. Of course that was when I was working and could justify such a purchase on myself.

I just spent half the morning trying to get my engagement ring off because I'm planning on doing some yard work today and I don't want to damage it in anyway. Sure hope I can get it back on!! My wedding set is my most prized possesion. It's the most expensive thing we own besides our house....and the house isn't even paid for. The rings are!

I'll just be sick when I get to the point where I can't wear it anymore. I waited so long to have a awesome diamond ring and I'm so proud of it. I've been luck so far that my knuckles are my main problem. Once I get it over the knuckle I'm ok. It's just getting it off and on that's the problem.


I know how you feel my boyfriend,wanted to buy me a ring last saturday. but that was a nightmere.am down to 1 ring and miss my SLIVER!!!!!

This has been a huge bummer for me too.  I had my wedding sized TWICE.  I have gone from a 7 to an 11.  All of my rings are pinkie rings now.  There is something you can do if you can afford it.  They have this extender that extends up and down with your fingers like three sizes, it is also made out of gold.  Only catch is it costs 0. I am going to get one if I can only afford it.  I have been wearing my wedding ring around my neck for the last eight months of my marriage
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