Knee braces | Arthritis Information


I was just wondering if anyone has them and if they helped? My job requires me to do a lot of heavy lifting and running around the hospital... and I find that because of the swelling, they are not as stable as they used to be. My right knee is the worst. I get the feeling of it either locking or popping out of place when I turn too quickly. Sometimes it feels funny just walking down the hall. dar773338871.4942476852I have used them in the past and they do provide some support.  I always used the ace brand for knees and a bad ankle.

I wear them everyday and they help immensely. I use the athletic braces that connect with velcro. You can find them in drug stores and sporting good stores. Get the ones with the metal hinges for better support.

But first, if you haven't already, you need to get xrays and MRIs done on your knees and probably a consultation with both your RD and an orthopaedic surgeon. You may have OA of the knee or just RA affecting it. If it is OA, they can treat it with synvisc or cortisone shots for the pain, physical therapy to strengthen the muscles so that they are supporting your joint better. They might want you to use a cane for a period of time or even recommend surgery at some point.

Now, don't get scared about that yet. But do take care of it. If it is RA caused, then they may need to be more aggressive in your treatment. Getting xrays and MRIs now, gives them a baseline to go by to see how you are doing. If it is OA, then any or all of the above might be a possibility. Of all the things that can go wrong, knees seem to be one of the easiest and most successful to fix.

The big thing is that is sounds like you don't have complete stabiltiy and you could be setting yourself up for a fall which could break something else, like a hip.

Since your job entails a lot of lifting,etc., physical or occupational therapy could really be key in helping you to keep going. I'd be proactive with this problem.

First thing, though, go get the brace. You might also consider whether you need one for your back. RA makes our muscles and tendons weaker and so we are more prone to injury.

To get the swelling down, ask for a cortisone shot and ice your knee.

Thanks for the advice! I will go to the drug store tomorrow and check out the braces that they have.

I hope it helps.

I never thought of that... when I swell, my kneed gets to almost double it's size. Another great piece of advice! Thanks Deanna and Crunchy!