2nd work week | Arthritis Information


Worked for 4 days and I'm totally wiped out. The last two days have been filled with alot of add on cases.
Last night was the worst as one doc was going to do this ortho case. He order 26 rental hip trays and they have to be clean and sterlize before using. We're all wrapping like crazy to get these trays ready for this 5PM case. It takes 2 hrs to wrap and sterlize them. After getting them ready, my boss said to me, "the case shouldn't come down until you're ready to leave." The case came down and I to process it. Not only were the rental trays used but they had opened several of our trays. I had 32 trays to process! My back was so tired from lifting all of those #&#@#@ trays. Ortho trays are heavy!!!!!
Today, I hurt all over and I'm not sure if I can continue in this line of work. I'm all bend over as the lower back is killing me. My knees are swollen, the ankles hurt and my shoulder is hurting!!!! I'm looking at my bed and all I want to do is sleep.
Thanks for letting me vent. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day and I will be in a better mood.

MarisaHey Marisa Sue,

I'm sorry you had such a rotten time of it at work. I had no idea that working in hospitals was such hard physical work - it really is. You don't see that from the outside. You'd think a doctor would know better.  

Wish I could help you, but I'm glad you have a place to vent.
Sorry you had such a rough time at work.  Hopefully you'll have a painfree day tomorrow..or at least a relaxing day.

Marisa Sue:  Is it possilbe for you to transfer within the hospital? Central supply, pharmacy, administration, billing, a more sedentary job.  Seems like central supply would love to hire someone that understands aseptic technique, etc. 

I know that you love your job but it's not going to get any better.  You have a tough job and it's effecting your RA. Also is it possible to go the ADA route?  Have you looked into that? There are some options and I hope that you investigate them.  I was a surgical nurse and I know how hard you have to work.  

Sorry Marisa Sue. Sounds like you had a rough week. Would an ortho back support help? I use one if I'm hurting and I know I have to do some lifting.It's a beautiful black velcro thing that coordinates with several outfits. Many people feel safe in a hospital because it is always full of activity...they dont think about all of the hard work that goes on behind the scenes. They also dont realize that for the people that work there...there are no excuses to stop or slow down...if you cant do your job, you better not even bother showing up for work 'cause once your there, you are expected to give it 110%

I am so sorry you are having a difficult time back at work.  I know how excitied you were to be going back.

Wish there was something I could do to make your transition easier.

Thats for sure crunchy working in a hosiptal is hard work. I know how hard nurses work cna and pt work they bust there butts only to be treated less worthy from doctors that spend five minutes with the patients. I would never work at a hospital again. Hope the next couple of work days are better.

Sorry you had such a bad day at work. I have a BIG tray of chocolate & peanut butter fudge. Come on over & join me & eat your pain away with fudge. YUMMYYYY That is what I've been doing. LOL

Hope you feel better

Trisha   It's Sunday night and I'm getting ready for work in the AM. Had a rough morning as my allergies are going full blast. I had such a bad headache, no voice, and sore throat.
The back feels better and I did my excercises for strenghting the back. I've been working on walking with me looking out at eye level instead of the floor. Keep telling myself to straighten up and walk tall, shoulders back. I slept in and didn't get up until after 10AM.
This work week shouldn't be to bad as I'm doing another part of the job. I can sit down for a little bit. I'm going to try and hang in there until June 16. On that date I go back to my workman's comp doc. Hopefully, he can give me some more info on how to lift and maybe provide me a back brace.
Patti37, you had me in tears as I read your post. It made me feel like I wasn't alone.
LindaB, my boss has been sooo nice and understanding. She has suggested different ways for me to do the work.
My work place has changed and it's for the better. My old mean boss is gone. I just have to get use to the new place and I have to keep telling myself that we're not being timed on every move we make. My old boss would time us on how long we were in the bathroom and how often. Guess that I'm still in shell shock from the old boss. I'm glad that the BITCH is gone!!! (sorry for the strong words)
I really like when all of you give me your support as it's so hard to make people understand how this RA affects your life.
Oh, one last thing, look out back support, I'm going to find one that's right for me!!!!!

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