Low grade fever with RA | Arthritis Information


When I had my very first flare-up, I had a fever, which is normal from what I understand.  Today I've developed a low-grade fever once again.  I'm trying to determine if it's just the RA or something else.  Can you get fevers off and on with it?  Without an actual flare-up?  I'm also still having hot flashes...maybe it's just a slight raise in body temp related to the hot flash?  My temp is only 99.2 and I don't feel all achy like I'm getting sick.  Grrrrr....all this crap is just confusing and driving me crazy tonight...well....every day...lol.

I do get hot for no reason with RA. But if you are actually running a fever, you need to be seen by a doctor. Because we are on medicines that suppress our immune systems, an infection can be going on and you don't even know it.

I have had ear and sinus infections that were really hard to get rid of and a temperature no higher than yours. Are you having any other symptoms? For instance, my left eye was hurting. That's how I discovered the ear infection and it was a nasty one. It took about two months with cortisone drops in my ears to clear it up. But I never was in that much pain, looked fine.

Same thing when I got bronchitis. Symptoms were very mild. It was only a guess. Again, I was very ill and it took awhile to get over it. I went to Urgent Care and got on antiobiotics right away.

If your instincts are telling you something might be wrong, then listen.

THat's the thing.. I don't really have any other symptoms..other than these darn hot flashes.  And I'm super tired today...more than usual even.  I will see how things are tomorrow and my GYN is really great so if anything is "off" on Monday when I go see her, she will help me out.  I will let her know I had it today and if I still have it then, will def. get in to see my primary care doc.

When I get hot, and not a fever, it is like what you are describing. I am very exhausted, like unto death tired. I can wake up from a nap and my whole body will seem like it is on fire for about a half hour or hour afterwards and I will hurt really bad, even if I wasn't hurting before the nap.

Then, I eat something like some fruit that has some energy to it. Drink more fluids and everything seems to even out. I'm usually tired the rest of the day, but the next I'm back to "normal."

I used to get night sweats before they put me on so many meds. I wouldn't know if I was having menopause since they took everything out when I was in my early thirties. But I don't have any other symptoms, like moodiness. My mom was a holy terror during menopause.

Maybe it's just the RA. But I'm glad you are seeing your doctor Monday.

My husband can't get over how I sweat. I actually have beads of water that run down my face and my hair gets soaked & drips down on my shoulders. My arms get real clammy. I never had this crapola happen to me until this past year. I'll say this, RA STINKS!


99.2 is not a fever. If you get up to 100.5 or more then you have a fever. Sounds like you are hormonal, probably not RA related.I do the elevated temp thing and then I get the shivers and it is just in the 99's. The rheumy said it is just part of the disease and flaring. I will take Tylenol and it goes down. And of course I will feel better. Some people do get symptomatic at less than 100.5. That may have to do with your baseline temp. If you ususally run pretty low, like 97, you may feel symptomatic in the 99's. And you can certainly take tylenol or motrin (depending on what else you are taking) to relieve it.  If you still are getting the flashes even though you are on meds containing tylenol or motrin and you have only slightly elevated temperature, then it is most likely hormone induced. RA does cause fevers in some people during flares though too.my temp run 97.2 all the time and when i get sick it usually goes to 99.8 hand higher i use to run temps when i was younger and flaring they use to be high temps though. i dont run any when im flaring now.Might be flaring. My temp ususally runs low, around
97. so when i have a 'fever' it's usually around 99. I
alwasy feel feverish at the start of a flare. It usually
takes me a day or two to realize what's going on, but
unfortunately, it's pretty consistant thing for me.
Advis helps with the fever part.

But I have to admint, I had a hystorectomey when I
was about 22, so for me, it's not hormonal.   

Seeing a doctor is a good way to put your mind at rest.

I have read in the past that RA patients as a whole run a lower-than- average body temperature when 'well'.  Low thyroid function, which is also tied to RA somewhat, also can produce a lower-than-average body temperature. Like some of the others who have posted on this thread, I have a low 'normal' body temperature - around 97.1. When my temperature is over 99, I'm sick.  I have RA and low thyroid function but when I go in for a visit because I know I am sick, I always tell them that my normal is 97.1 or so. Now when they look back at my visits they can see that I'm right!I think prednisone gives me hot flashes.  I have had major body temp. issues since I went on it.  Or it is just the RA itself.  I'm not sure, but I think a lot of us get that way. 
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