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Well I have been having bad knee and foot pain any suggestions about things that would help my knees. I can't lay in bed or relax two babies. I was thinking about cruches or maybe a knee brace.

Also I was wondering when you were first diagnosted if it was multiple joints like knees and shoulders and hands or did you get diagnosed with a hand with it and over the years it has progressed.

I started with hand, knee and shoulder now it the hands, knees, shoulders, hip and feet. Since first diag. its gotten worse. Need some help with the knee problem though im having problem getting around.

Knee pain is one of the worst kinds. For mine, I take a strong dose of Advil. This helps to get the swelling down. I sleep with a pillow under my leg to give it extra support. I wear good supporting shoes. I do my range of motion excersizes. When it's really bad, I wear those wrap around heat pads or place a hot moist pad on my knee. This helps me to warm or lossen the joint. I've had the doc give me the shot in the knee. It helps but it's not for long term use. Most of my knee pain is from oa and ra but then I have cppd disease too. Have to take my meds to help that.
Hope that this helps and that those knees feel better soon.


Hi Nichole...Last March when I was finally diagnosed with RA, it was in my hands,but mostly my right hand, neck, shoulders, feet &  knee. Now both hands  are hurting about the same. My right hand is deformed now and the left hand is starting to do the same thing. As far as the knee, both knees bother me but the right one has to be drained every 4 weeks with a cortisone shot. I'm taking the MTX & the Prednisone, but RD is cutting the Prednisone down & increasing the MTX.

I use ice on my knee. I hope you feel better soon.


Prior to any arthritis flare up, these symptoms one or numerous like fatigue, dried lips, cough, mouth and throat infections, skin rashes and fungus infection, irregular release of bowels and stools are dried and hard etc. are common to me. 

Flare up usually starts from one joint e.g. shoulder and quickly spread to other joints like knees, ankles toes, chest etc and there is no hold bar.  What I previously encountered was pain that caused by red tightened skin of swells and later turned to dark colour. It brought about many sleepless nights and suffering of pain. The swells could restrict movements and even bed riddened. I had had drugs for control at least 20yrs.. I have a 360 degree switched to eastern herbs and natural selective foods for over 15yrs.

Although the disease is within me but I am "the master" to the disease because I understand the pattern and cycle of attack and with herbs I can quickly address the pain and gradually "tame" the aggressive advances of the disease, "convert" and "cleanse" the toxic into toxic wastes and dispose them naturally through the body system. There is no fear nor threat as I fully aware of the effectiveness of herbs, my body system and arthritis. 

I wear them everyday and they do help. Get the ones with the metal hinges if you can. You can also find them at the drug store. You need to have them xray'd and MRIs to see what's going on. It's worth another appointment and maybe they'll see how bad you are doing.

I can't remember if you are on prednisone. But sometimes joints will swell up during a flare and they can boost the prednisone and taper right back down. It can really help.

I think you should call the doc and tell them how inflamed you are. Mention that you have two small children that you must lift and you need to be sure you can do this. Eight weeks is a long time to wait for some kind of relief.

I'm sorry you are hurting so bad.

Mine started with my hads, but then if very swiftly
spread to my knees, feets shoulders and elsewhere
The prednisone did help and wrist braces. I don'
have knee braces but would like to check into them. I
agree that you need to get back in to see your doc
and let him observe what is going on with you now.

Take careI called the doc. and got a grumpy assistant. She said how is the lyrica working I said I dont think its doing anything because i could hardly walk for three days. then she said did you start the mtx i said ive been on it for 8wks now. Then she said have you had repeat mris I said you all told me you had them in the computer so I dont have to repeat them. I think sh e got mad at the responses. She said Ill talk with the doc. and call you back. I said thank you. Not to be able to hardly move my knee for three days because of pain what do you think Im going to do put up with it so when im 30 my bones will be gone

It sounds as she is personally trying to treat. Uh-huh! That's not what you need. You need the doctor.

I second what Deanna said about MRI's of the knees. I went to an orthopaedic knee specialists and he sent me for an MRI when I injured my knee. Actually I had an MRI done on each knee. I injured my left one and years later my right.  An MRI gives a much more accurate detailed picture than an xray. From his examination he determined the meniscus was torn. The MRI's confirmed his diagnosis that I had torn the meniscus each time in my knees.

The braces I have don't have any metal.  I tried the ones with metal in them and I couldn't wear them.  They hurt my knees.  If you do opt for braces go to a store that will let you try them on before buying. This way you can decide which ones feel best.

My next doc. appt. is in a couple of weeks then i will talk to the doc to see if she will do it. I called my doc. on monday about starting a new treatment and like i said she never called me back some other woman did and i missed the phone call I had to take my son to urgent care. I called not even five minutes later nothing today nothing so tomorrow they will hear it. My son has a double ear infection and broncitis. He more inportant then a phone call that I should be able to return within five min. and be able to get someone.

Don't put up with bull from someone in the office who isn't doing their job.  Also had that happen to me and when I went back to my appt I let teh doc know taht I had called TWICE and no one called me back. 

People who work with the public and act like that should find another lline of in a cave.

Hope your son si feeling better.

Thank you all. I think that my marriage is know finally over. I told my husband I wont stay in a loveless marriage where my husband won't even touch me. He leaves me with the children all the time. Tonight instead of talking with me he is over at his brothers house talking to him. His brother got a girl pregnant in high school they are still together and not married they been togther for at least 10 yrs. SO fwho would he be to be telling him advice he not even married. so home again on aaturday night alone with my children. Both sick at that ive havent been feeling thebest either after i eat i get sick. Acouple hours after i eat it comes out some way.


You are in such a tough situation and I understand where you are coming from. From everything that you have said, it just doesn't seem like he gives you any kind of concern or care -as you said loveless.

My heart breaks for you because I know you are ill and you have little ones. Plus, it is so hard when you never get a break from it.

You can survive this. Yet, it won't be easy.

Have they checked you for irritable bowel (also brought on by stress) or Chrohn's (another inflammatory, autoimmune disease)? Also, have they checked your gall bladder? I know you're young, but my daughter just had gall bladder surgery and that was happening to her.

Keep talking about all of it. You need support, as much as you can gather.


Hi Phxgrl1

I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. For the knees, I agree with those who suggest you try braces. My knees have always been my most swollen joints and braces help provide support.  I get regular cortisone shots into the knees too, which are brilliant.

The other thing that helps my knee swelling noticeably is if I can elevate them at several points during the day (not easy with two babies though.) Or at least sitting rather than standing where possible.

I dont know if this was mentioned yet but you could try a hot soak in the tub, I am not sure how little your kids are, but if they are itty bitty, take them and some tub toys in with you. You will get to soak a lot longer that way. Keep your knees warm and try to minimize the time you are on your feet be doing as many tasks as possible sitting at the table vs. standing at the counter etc. Also if your kids need to be entertained, you can lay on the bed and color or read, or spread a big blanket out on the grass to be with them but off of your feet. When I am hurting in my hips or knees, sitting in a chair isnt enough, I need to lay down. I have found that laying on my stomach gives me more relief to my hips and knees than other positions.