shingles diagnosis | Arthritis Information


I can't believe it. After again being unable to see any of my specialists or my GP, I went back to doctors on duty, this time to a different doc and was diagnosed with shingles. I have  one  blister on an eyelid, possibly in the eye and the rest on my forehead and scalp. Tomorrow I get to see the eye specialist namely because I told the recepionist I had a shingle in my eye, which it turns out I do. I went to my interview at the new school managing to barely see and left early. At that point I thought I still had contact dermatitis.When I showed up for the interview turns out the principal had quit last week. There was a substitute who interviewed me who may or may not be my new principal. I'm staying home the next few days since I'm contagious and I'll worry about moving out later.

Oh Sweetie; That's horrible. My Momma had them not too long ago but turned out she caught it early enough that it wasn't that serious.

Hope that will be the case for you as well.

I hope it doesn't get too bad for you Linda


I am so sorry that you have that. My grandmother had it and I know it is miserable. It's related to the chicken pox virus, only you get as an adult.

That sucks big time. But they were able to get it under control for her and she had no patience whatsoever.

Still, it is so unfair. But I'm glad you at least know what it is and how to deal with it.

Thanks lovie and kelstev. At least I know what I'm dealing with now. Kind of like the RA. it's better when you get a conclusive diagnosis.I am just going to chill for a week and not worry about jobs and moving at school. They can find someone else to do the 7-10 extra duty at school Friday and Saturday night. This being contagious might have an upside.

Sorry to hear about you having the darn shingles. I never knew that they can come in the eye. That must be horrible.

But you no what? You are handling the RA, so no dumb shingles are going to get you down. Them shingles don't no just who they are fooling with

You take care & give em H&**


(((((linda))))) So sorry to hear
about the shingles diagnosis!! I have shingles that
seems it will be with me forever, but lately hasn't
broken out much. Oh, I so feel for you. That awful
itchy, tingly unrelenting pain. Take care of your self,
get some rest and try to do some things that will
really relax you.

Bless you

internet it says you can become temporarily or permantly blind or have encephalitis with this kind of involvement. Scares the s--t out of me but it's probably just my overactive immagination and the hour.I feel lucky to be able to come here to complain instead of waking my husband whose already been waken a few times tonight.

I'm so sorry you have to suffer through them. I had them last year. Mine were along the back of my neck and down my arms. Like Crunchy said, along the nerves. Undiscribable pain along my neck & shoulder area. Bless you, I can't imagine it in my eye!

One of my guys friends had it in his eye too. He's just fine now though.

Hope it eases up soon! Take care.




I am so sorry about the shingles.  They can be sooo painful.  Fortunately there are better meds these days to treat them.  I hope your road to recovery is swift and that you get some relief from the pain soon. Oh, Linda, I'm so sorry. It's just one more thing to deal with. And your EYE! I had shingles, and they were painful. I can't even imagine having them on your head, or worse yet your eye. Try not to worry too much about what you have read. Those complications are probably really rare. You have had one heck of a load of "crap" lately and I certainly sympathize. My thoughts are with you.Thanks for the sympathy friends. I get to see the eye specialist who checks me out for plaquanil complictions on a routine basis. At least he knows me.Another bump in the road!!!!  And a painful one at that.  I'm glad you're you have an appt. with an eye dr.  Take it easy on your days off you contagious little devil.  Again, I am sooooooooo sorry.  I have never had them knock on wood but I have a friend who gets shingles.  I know it is miserable, in the eye on top of it.  OUCH.  I am so sorry you have to go through this.  I lucked out. The optic nerve was not affected by the shingles, only the eyelid. That's not to say it couldn't spread to the eye itself. My opthemologist has been great. He actually called my rheumatologist and primary care physician to consult and is having them get back to me.Both he and my rheumatologist are upsest that the primary doc can't  find the time to see me. I 'm going to be researching a new GP when I can see well enough.Oh Linda!!!  I'm so sorry!!  You have had so much to deal with the past few months!  Now this!  Glad the eye dr and the rhuemy are on top of it!  *hugs* my friend close! Love you all. ItchyGlad to hear that your optic nerve was not affected!! I
know you are dealing with alot of pain & irritation, so
hang in there and prayers are with you.