lookin’ good | Arthritis Information


I was reading Roxy's thread about vanity and I went back and read a thread I had started a few weeks ago about ways to dress a ...less than thin... body.  It got me thinking about all of the ways that RA changes our images of our own bodies. I realized that even though I am a bit plumper, I could be juicier as well. And that just because there are days when I feel like a little old granny, I dont have to act and dress like one.

I dont exactly have a big bankroll to go out and buy a new wardrobe with, but I am going to start making small changes now. I have resolved to make more of an effort each day to dress my age, put on a little make up, ditch some of the clothes that I keep because they fit and not because I like the way they look...and just have a more positive self image.

I like me. I am tired of being so mean to me. I am tired of rolling my eyes at myself in the bathroom mirror. I am tired of my attitude and it is time to change!

I think I have finally caught on to the ultimate beauty secret. I always wondered why there were some women who werent beauty queens, not blue eyed blonds, tall and thin and shapley; but they were so attractive. They would light up a room, be the life of the party. Now I know what sets them appart. It is confidence in themselves. We all are beautiful on the inside but when we hide behind a body that we think is less than perfect, no one has the chance to see just who beutiful we really are.

That sounds like the perfect attitute crunchy! I could take some lessons from you, you inspired me this morning so I think Ill take a little more time on myself as well. Thanks!!crunchyI needed that. Right now with one eye swollen shut and a big lesion on my forehead I'm going to visualize mywardrobe for our trip to Rome.The only good thing to come out of the whole shingles experience is I lost afew pounds.

Hi Everyone,  I find on the days I am on top of my arthritis I feel really attractive and the life of the party, and the days I am in pain I feel a wreck, and I seem to avoid people its as though I am shy. Its like 2 personalities. My hubby spoils me and doesn't mind me spending money on clothes and make up, if it makes me feel good about myself. It took him a while to get like this, when I first was dioganosed and I used to cry he would say Whats wrong Now??? I think he has a much better understanding of RA these days and is so supportive, and in turn I must admit this makes me feel a whole lot better about myself. 

I only hope I will continue to feel this way and take the good with the bad.

Hey Roxy,

Did you ever think of becoming a fashion consultant or a buyer? That sounds like it would be a lot of fun for you. I bet you'd be good at it and could work your own hours.

You should take a look at the vintage clothes that are selling on Ebay. It might give you some ideas.

Me, I'd be terrible at it. But if you love dressing up, clothes, all that...hmmm... maybe?

I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who could be more complimentary and confident in myself. It really is a good idea to get clothes altered...where do you get that done without spending a bundle. I agree with you.  I do my best to wear makeup and fix my hair.  I think that taking care of yourself is a big part of feeling good.  I know my confidence is so much higher when I am fixed up.

You can shop at Ross and find good deals on clothing.  I found a cute blouse at Walmart for 9 dollars this week.  I am always on a mission to check out what's around when I am out.  If I see something reasonable, I buy it.  I also ALWAYS try things on now.  It makes a big difference.  If I don't feel "comfortable" in something, I don't buy it; otherwise, I wind up with clothes hanging in my closet I never wear.

I also wear dressier tops with jeans and capris.  I also get pedicures.  I feel a lot better when I keep up myself. I really think it goes a long way.  You can be as pretty as you want to be.  Perfume is also something I always wear.  I love to feel like I look and smell good.

p.s. to answer your question about alterations, usually dry cleaners have alterations in their shops.  You can call the dry cleaners in your area and find out their rates for specific items.  I had a dress altered a few years ago, and I think it was about 10 dollars.  I think it depends on how much work they have to do.
arizonara38876.4230787037Deanna,  I don't like fashion - hehehe - I am terrible at it.  I like MY LOOK for me.  I am very eclectic and it is fun.  No one else would dress like me.  Also I am lucky.  Never started wearing make up so never missed it and still feel good about myself - especially since the moon face is now gone.  That was horrible.  Made me feel like I looked 10 years older and fat.  Now, just get rid of this belly and I can start playing with clothes again.  I love jewelry, belts, scarves, layers, playful stuff.  I also have long legs so I look good in jeans and short skirts - IF I GET RID OF THIS BELLY LMAO   Crunchy, I'm so proud about your new self image!! The clothes may not be the size you want it to be, but how we see our selves is so important. Keep it up.


Crunchy, I just enjoy reading your posts. I especially liked this one.


Now that's the the Crunchy attitude we all love! WTG
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