FLARE FROM HADES... | Arthritis Information


I have been in a major flare for 3 weeks now.  If I could...I'd cut my hands, feet, hips, and wrists off!

I went to the Rhumy today and she has put me back on a small dose of prednisone for the time being.  I was also told that because I had a REALLY bad reaction to the MTX injection last week...I have to reduce the dose down to .4 or .5 ccs to see if I have another reaction.  I had been fine before...but the company that makes the MTX I was on before had a recall and Walgreen's gave me another companys MTX...I got REAL sick not even a minute after taking the MTX.

So...I guess tomorrow is D-Day.  We will see what happens.  The Walgreens Pharmacies said I maybe allergic to the binding agents in the MTX I have now. 

The Rhumy says if I don't get better going back on the Prednisone, I will have to add another Injectable to the mix...which right now in our financial situation...I can't afford.

So...I will pray much and hard...

It is as it is...RA is such a PAIN in the REAR!


I'm curious, since I don't know, why do some people take MTX by pills and some by injection?

I hope things work out for you! Taking RA meds is such a balancing act.

Deanna, my doctor never mentioned injections. I think they're for people who have cramps/nausea when they take the pills.I do think they work pretty much the same way - it's just that injections bypass your stomach.
How awful about your flare and the mtx allergic
reaction! That's wierd that the different mtx brand is
causing such problems-I just figured that the med
mix would be the same, even if a different brand.

Sounds like you have a good rheumy though. And
God knows exactly which med combo you need, so
hang in there, k?

Sorry your doing so poorly right now. Good luck at your Dr. appointment. Hopefully relief is on it's way. Hang in there, I know it's tough sometimes.What Roxy said is true, WillWin - you can't just let it go. Please let us know how you did with this injection. Deanna, I take the injectable/liquid mtx and I take 1cc orally.  My rheumy said that it is better absorbed that way. I mix it with diet pepsi and it doesn't taste that bad nor does it make me feel any worse than the pills did.  The secret is water, water and more water and of course the folic acid.   So sorry you are going through allergic reaction to your MTX. Why is it that so many of us have drug allergies and intolerances? Have yo tried the oral MTX spread out over the day? That seems to work better for me.Deanna, my doctor gave me the option of injectable or oral MTX. I chose the injections because I get sick to my stomach pretty easily and have GI problems related to meds. It was my choice. I wonder if he is more willing to let me pick what I want b/c I am a nurse or if he is like that with everyone... I think that is just him really. He is pretty laid back. He gave me the choice between Humira, Enbrel and Remicade as well. According to him there is no other difference between injectable and PO MTX besides the risk of nausea.

Thank you all for your kind support. 

I did better on the lower dose this week.  I am still feeling a but hung over from the MTX and I am nauseated...but not bad!  I have a slight headache as well...but I am hoping that goes away soon.

I am on injectables because the pills hurt my stomach lining.

I hate taking the shots...but it is nicer on my tummy!

I hope you are doing much better now and your flare is over.  This RA stinks!

I wish you well,


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